Fristoe News

The weather is wonderful and gardens of flowers and vegetables are really flourishing. Many people are already speaking of bringing in "new Potatoes" lettuce, radishes, onions, and of course fruit in the form of strawberries.  There is nothing more satisfying than bringing food from your own garden to the table in your own kitchen.  
Reminding everyone that Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church will be having an all day GARAGE Sale at the church on Saturday June 11 from 7:00 AM till evening.  There will be a list of things in the sale next week in this column.
The Fristoe News column sends congratulations on her Graduation from Warsaw High School, to Patience Colbert, daughter of James Colbert, and congratulations to Julie Long daughter of Jake Long.  I am mentioning the dad's names because I went to church with those two young men, James and Jake before they were old enough to graduate.  I am proud of James and Jake and their daughters as they are living right now here in Fristoe.  When I find out I will brag up what these two girls are planning toward.
Just mentioning Lewis and Judy Retherford, to keep on prayer list, also Alice Boston, Curtis Allen, and Mary Scarbrough as these are in need of prayer. 
Remember my Great-grand-daughter Lilli Scott as she celebrates her birthday Thursday, June 2.  Happy, happy birthday Lilli!   Happy anniversary to Rusty and Elizabeth Vaughn on June 3.  You have a great day!
People were in the area for Memorial Day and the placing of flowers on graves.  I visited the cemetery where my Mom is buried, Cable Ridge Cemetery in Camden County also stopped by Bethel Campground Cemetery just out of Edwards.  The grounds are well kept.
Fristoe Lighthouse Church had a blessed church service Sunday morning.  The church celebrated the 70th birthday of Pat Arnett and Crescent and Paul Haury's anniversary.  Kele First always leads a wonderful music service and she did so right into specials by Claude and the Lighthouse Singers which did The Battle Hymn of the Republic and Ken, Sis, Elizabeth, Br. Tony and Sis. Brenda sang "Just a Little Talk With Jesus!   Br. Tony's message for the day was the story in Acts 7 about Stephen,  and what an example he was for we people for today.  When we are prepared at the end  of our life and "Cry out Lord Jesus receive my  spirit" being sure of our salvation, we should also remember others and the salvation of their soul also!
Thought for the week:  The measure of a man's character is not what he received from his Grand-and Great-Grand parents, but it is what he leaves children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.
Hope everyone reading the Enterprise has a safe, happy, and blessed week!