Fristoe News

Our weather went from summer to nice fall days then WHAM  it gets down right CHILLY! Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings were under 40 when we got out of bed.  We didn't see any frost but there could have been some in places.  The one thing to celebrate was mosquitoes and other irritable things have been put to rest for awhile!  
Prayer requests for this week are Lovely Henderson; Joe and Karen DeAngelo's grandson, Duncan; Kathy First, Lewis and Judy Retherford, Carolee Apperson, Gladys Harris, Easter Willis, Curtis Allen and Mary Scarbrough.  
Got an update from Gracie Yoder on the time she is spending in Georgia preparing to go to the country she will be moving to in her mission work. The past week she went with her squad to Harlem Heights, Florida to help with work being done from Hurricane Ian, which took place over a year ago.  She said they did painting, installed doors, cabinets, doing much cleaning and all in all had a good week!  She returned to Gainesville, Georgia to debrief for the next few days and prepare for her next move which is to Cambodia.  Yes, Gracie and her squad will be going to the country of Cambodia on October 14.  Please everyone, keep her and her group in your daily prayers!
Sending out a happy, happy birthday this week to Wanda Mays from her grandsons Garrett, Wyett and Breyer Hilburn! Also happy birthday to Ruth Lowry on October 14!  Hope everyone has a great one!
Softball and volleyball seasons are winding down and basketball season will be on schedules in less than a month!   I will be busy as both my granddaughters, Laney and Maddie will be busy playing. I will be cheering Warsaw and Climax Springs!
The Pentecostal Lighthouse Church had several absent because of illness but Claude and the Lighthouse Singers    (Dean, Delores and Sue) did a beautiful job on  "Oh Beulah Land" and Ken, DoBee, Brenda and Tony sang a spirit filled "Oh He Touched Me".   Br. Tony and Brenda did a great special also. The church surprised Pastor Tony and Brenda with cards and thank you's to celebrate Pastor and Pastor's wife  Appreciation Day!  The Sunday School
is winding the study on Jacob and Joseph and God's plan for the Jewish people in Genesis.  Br. Smith's message came from 2 Timothy Chapter 4 where Paul gave instructions to Timothy telling him to "Preach the word, and be ready to do it all times, with,  long suffering and teaching!"
Thought for the week:  The best way to forget your own problems is to help someone else solve theirs!
Hope everyone reading Fristoe News has a safe, happy and full of laughter week!