Fristoe News

It has been a really good week with moisture and nice temperatures UNTIL Saturday and the temperatures got hotter and Sunday even hotter and expected to remain hot till mid-week!
ATTENTION:  The Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church announces revival services (THAT IS BRUSH ARBOR) September 21-23,  beginning at 6:00 PM each evening!
ATTENTION:   Antwiler Park Board announces their monthly September meeting will be held on Wednesday September 6 (because of Labor Day) at 7:00 PM.  This will be the annual election of board members.  There are two 3-year seats open and 1 spot to finish out a term.  Anyone  interested in being on the board, attend the meeting.
Prayer requests for this week are; Russ Weeks, Kathy First, Carolee Apperson, Lewis and Judy Retherford, Gladys Harris, Easter Willis, Curtis Allen and Mary Scarbrough.  Good report for Kathy First as she makes it to church nearly every Sunday and she is handling herself better each week.  Lewis Retherford attends church each week also. 
Reminding each one to keep our children in your prayers as school is opening this week and the old devil hopes to destroy as many families as he can one way or another.  Also, kids will be taking part in many different sports and they enjoy having parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors watching them take part.
To finish my letter I had written over 20 years ago . . . Would some of us do things differently or change things if we could,  and maybe give different answers? I know that although the plant closed temporarily, it has reopened.  But given the chance to go back to school, I would do it again in a heartbeat!  Will any of us ever find another place where there was so much family closeness like we had and the help and security we gave each other? I don't know.  Maybe some that are working at the plant now have found it.  I know one thing; as  time has passed, some have passed away,  and others have really good jobs and by now many of my friends have retired.  We are looking forward with faith and hope.  However, there will always be a small place in each one us that remembers the friendships we made, former Unitog employee!
Fristoe Lighthouse Church  keeps increasing in numbers each week and the spirit is magnificent!  Fantastic specials were brought by Claude and The Lighthouse Singers,  by Ken, DoBee, Brenda  and Tony, and one by Dave.  All three were great!  Sunday School was still teaching on King Solomon and this week we learned that for all his wisdom he prayed for as he got older he gave up the obedience God had instructed him to follow and brought much adversity on himself!  The lesson asks the question; do we consider the consequences when we make decisions?  Br. Smith brought his message from the book of Jeremiah Chapter 18 and titled it, the lesson from the Potter.  
Thought for the week:  It isn't the outlook, but the UPLOOK that is important and counts!
Hope everyone reading the column has a happy, safe and prosperous week!