It's Campaign Season: Benton County Political Parties Snap Into High Gear


The 2024 election season is underway. According to www.theguardian, on March 6, Donald Trump is the lone Republican candidate left seeking to unseat the sitting president, Joe Biden. Trump most recently said he is pro-life and would continue his hardline immigration stance in a second term if elected. President Biden is the likely Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential election and is running on a platform that includes abortion rights, gun reform and healthcare.

Major local political parties are planning meet and greet events for state candidates, and plenty of advertising for their presidential choices.

The Republican Party-administered presidential caucus took place in Missouri on March 2, and the Democratic Party-administered presidential caucus is scheduled for March 23. Benton County Republicans have now begun planning and scheduling campaign events.

“We opened a Trump Store at 234 W. Main Street,” said Peggy Berry, Benton County Republican Central Committee Chair. “We have bumper stickers, hats, coffee mugs and other items. We are open seven days a week, except Tuesday, until the beginning of April. Then, we will be open seven days a week 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM except for Thursdays when it is open until 7:00 PM, and until 9:00 PM on Friday and Saturday.”

Berry said that there will be a dinner on April 6, at 5:00 PM in the Warsaw Community Building for Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft who is running for governor. Senator Mike Moon, Missouri Representative from 2013 to 2020, and Ashcroft will both speak to attendees.

“We are also planning to set a date for a meet and greet when we will bring in Republican candidates who will set up their own tables and decorations and be available to talk to individuals and answer questions,” said Berry. “When the weather gets warm, we plan a Trump parade on the river. “We have to take a stand and keep our freedom . . . and want programs for veterans, homeless and I want our grandchildren raised as I was.”

The Benton County Republicans meet on the first Thursday of the month at the Boonslick Regional Library in Warsaw, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Everyone is welcome.

Benton County Democrats are reminding those voting in the Democratic-Party-administered presidential caucus that voting is by mail or in person. Mail ballots can be brought into the Benton County Courthouse 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. (Mail ballots must have been ordered by March 12.)

“We are going to have a meet and greet event called ‘Back to Blue’ for Democratic candidates from the local area and in the state,” said Jacqueline Farr, Chairman of the Benton County Democrats, and Vice-President of Missouri Democratic Rural Caucus (MDRC). “These may include Democrats Lucas Kunce, Wesley Bell, and Missouri State Senator Karla May who will run for the U.S. Senate seat held by Josh Hawley. We also plan to welcome Jeanette Cass, from Missouri’s 4th District, who is running against U.S. Representative Mark Alford. We are also going to support Michael Walbom who is running for State Representative – District 57 against Rodger Reedy.”

Farr said that last year the Benton County Democrats sponsored a meet and greet for three Republicans who were running for judge. She said they were the only candidates, and since one of them would be the judge, she wanted to know what they had to say. She said it was a relaxing occasion and very informal.

“We are waiting for the Democrat-Party administered presidential caucus to be held before scheduling dates for events,” said Farr. “We will have a hub where we will get signs and can let voters know where and when to pick them up. After the primary we will have lots of fliers and postcards. We will also have a booth at the State Fair with buttons and other campaign items. I am getting signatures to get a reproductive freedom initiative on the ballot. Basically, Democrats want to concentrate on helping families and healthcare.”

Farr has been traveling to other Missouri counties in her role with the MDRC. She goes to rural caucuses and hears what people have to say. She plans to bring a rural caucus to Benton County and invite surrounding counties to come.

“The Benton County Democrats meet every third Wednesday in the meeting room at the Boonslick Regional Library in Warsaw, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM,” said Farr. “Everyone is welcome."