Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor,
The Investment and Jobs Act, authorizing $1.2 trillion for transportation and infrastructure was signed into law November 15, 2021 by President Joe Biden. Part of this legislation is the Clean School Bus Program. Stover, Green Ridge, LaMonte and 23 other school districts in Missouri have received 57 new electric and 1 propane school buses and charging stations costing $21.8 million. This next year's grants will prioritize schools in low income areas.
Electric school buses require less maintenance, save on fuel costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With no tailpipe emissions, students, drivers and people in the community breathe in far less diesel pollutants such as nitrogen oxide. The electric buses improve public health significantly. Another plus, electric school buses can store energy that can be distributed to the grid when needed during weather or climate related emergencies.
Hopefully Benton County schools can take part in this wonderful Clean School Bus Program which gives grants and loans from 2022 to 2026 to replace diesel school buses with cleaner electric buses. The Investment and Jobs Act is just one of the many new programs signed into law by the Joe Biden administration that is helping rural areas as well as larger cities. Joe Biden is helping small town America and Missouri.
Valerie Larm
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Dear Editor,
Will it be cheaper to buy Biden non-prescription drugs out of the White House (online orders only) or cheaper to buy them on the streets from Biden's illegals? Due to the ever-growing inflation since 2021, a person needs to be thrifty when purchasing nowadays.
By the way, when will Build Back Better commence?
Thank you!
Rod Huse