Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor,
You’re correct, we’re now living 1984 in 2023.  For the first time in my life, I’m VERY concerned about our country.  President Trump was indicted due to George Soros buying off everyone on the grand jury.  Now AG Leticia James has had him in New York for a deposition regarding his business practices.  If they do this to him imagine what they can do to us. 
They’re out to make sure he can’t run again and if he does, they’ll steal the election like they did in 2020. 
For decades the progressives have slithered their way into our schools and colleges, preaching anti-God and anti-USA.  In the 90’s 78% claimed to be patriotic, now it’s only 38%. Trust me, I’m definitely in the 38%. Liberal views were imposed and unfortunately many parents were none the wiser. I questioned in the early 80’s some circumstances that were never allowed in schools 20 years earlier. My daughters said that’s the way it was then. Today students are learning everything immoral is okay and the woke society is running amuck.  Transgender is to be accepted. Well, I’m here to tell you NO it’s not okay. None of the left’s poison is okay!  People have lost their minds. I stopped watching the Hallmark channel due to the themes they so proudly display. N
Joe and Hunter Biden have committed treason and accepted money from China and Ukraine and vice versa. Clinton had affairs in the oval office. All illegal activity by the left is okay and Trump’s doing nothing wrong. Soros can get by with paying everyone off to get Trump. It’s scary that they hate our country so bad. Why do they want the USA to be like another third world country. 
We’re now seeing all our enemies lining up to devour the USA due to our country not having a leader. Trump stopped all the enemies like Reagan did. Make no mistake about it Obama’s running the country and Joe’s the puppet. Many reading this are shaking their heads either in disagreement or agreement. For those that listen to CNN, MSNBC and other liberal links you’re not being told the truth about the left and you’re being lied to about Trump.
Remember Soros pays everyone off to hide the truth.
God blessed our country so richly. My question is just how much more do you think He’s going to put up with?
If anyone has seen Newsmax television or the Newsmax magazine April edition has a picture that shows the Real Face of Jesus. The 6-page article explains the new evidence that emerged from the Shroud of Turin.  God knew later in history the truth would be shown about Jesus’ death, his crown of thorns, his crucifixion marks and Matthew, Mark, Luke and John’s accounts. Everyone should read this article and rejoice.
Lynne Markham