Report: Representative Rodger Reedy, 57th District

The last two weeks have been very busy in the Missouri House of Representatives. Last week was Budget Week. The House passed a budget of almost $46 billion; that budget was sent to the Senate for their consideration and it will most assuredly come back with many changes. With 18 hours of debate on the House Floor that was heated at times, we put in some long days to approve this budget. This week we continue to work bills as normal and we are beginning to hear Senate Bills in our House Committees.
Here is a brief rundown on the legislation I have filed this session:
HB. 713 was passed out of the House and sent to the Senate for their consideration, it was referred to the Senate Committee on Economic Development & Tax Policy. My bill will have a public hearing on April 11th where I will present the bill to the Senate Committee members and the public may submit testimony on it. As I have mentioned in the past, HB. 713 is meant to protect taxpayers from increases in their motor vehicle personal property taxes due to a volatile car market.
HB. 602, my firearms bill was voted out of committee.
HB. 603, my Driver’s Education Bill is awaiting a Rules Committee hearing.
HB. 604 authorizes the city of Knob Noster to put a Transient Guest Tax question before their voters. This bill is also waiting for a Rules Committee hearing.
Progress continues on an updated District 57 Directory, we are in the final stages of the process and hope to have it completed soon.
As usual, my legislative assistant Blake is available Monday through Thursdays from 8:00 – 5:00 and from 8:00 – Noon on Fridays. You can contact my office by calling 573-751-3971 or emailing If you would like a courtesy resolution from the House of Representatives please contact my office. As always, it is an honor and privilege to serve the citizens of District 57.