100 Years Old But Still Young At Heart: PEO Chapter Celebrates Education For Women


Members of Chapter EN, P.E.O. met on May 9 at First Presbyterian Church for a spring salad luncheon, followed by a short meeting. Shirley Jordan and Sandy Wagoner were hostesses for the luncheon.
President Nancy Gillard opened the meeting, at which 23 members were present.
Mary Ann Bath reported receiving a letter from the STAR Scholarship committee, which awards $2,500 scholarships to graduating senior girls. The chapter’s nominee this year was Caroline Wagoner, president of the Clinton High School FFA, who will attend Colorado State University in the equine sciences program at CSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences. The chapter is now looking for a high school junior to nominate for the 2025 scholarships.
Carolyn McAllister announced the June 13 meeting will include a report of the Missouri State P.E.O. state convention, which Linda Wilson, chapter delegate, will attend in Columbia. A representative from Compass Health is also scheduled to speak at the June meeting.
A sign-up sheet was passed for the chapter fundraiser on June 24, a Bunko party at the Clinton Country Club. The party is open to the public, and includes refreshments and prizes. Chapter EN raises money each year for P.E.O. International projects, which provide higher education opportunities for women. Projects include ELF, a low-interest loan fund for college or trade school tuition; PCE, continuing education grants for women whose education was interrupted; STAR Scholarships for graduating high school seniors, and Scholar Awards for women completing a doctoral degree.
Applicants must be sponsored by a P.E.O. chapter in their area, of which there are two in Clinton: EN and IU.
Carolyn noted there will be a memorial service for Gloria Saddoris on May 18 at Clinton Methodist Church. A long-time member of Chapter EN, Gloria served as chapter president from 1983 to 1985 and in 2001-2003.
The door prize, won by Gayle Dunahee, was a pie and a Shasta daisy potted plant, the Shasta daisy being the flower of P.E.O. The brag box collected donations in honor of graduating family members, with Nancy volunteering to match contributions.
Chapter EN was organized in Clinton on July 2, 1925. P.E.O. chapters in each state are designated by letters of the alphabet, starting with A through Z, then using double letters. Chapter EN was the 144th chapter organized in Missouri, which now has more than 12,000 members in 300 chapters.
The newest chapter in Missouri is Chapter NN in Fayette, north of Boonville.
For more information about P.E.O. projects, go to peointernationa.org.