$6.3M Building Project Now Complete At Lincoln R-2


On August 23, 2023 school began for the year and finished in ongoing construction work. Construction had begun in February and was slated for completion by August 2024, in time for the 2024-25 school year.

The Bond issue brought in $6,300,000 in revenue for the project. Part of the Construction project included a new gymnasium that enables sports training for children Kindergarten thru 6th grade. It also created space necessary to allow Junior and Senior High School student members of various sports teams to practice on a regular basis during the daytime.

There is also a new pre-school and special Studies Classrooms in the main building. A new Elementary hallway also joined the new portion of the structure to the existing one.

The construction brought on temporary inconveniences and change to routines that included parking and after school pickups.

The good news is the parking lot was completed this past week and is ready for school to open on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

The PTO Open House on Monday, August 19 from 5:30 PM-7:00 PM for the Kindergarten thru 6th grades will give everyone a chance to see the completed work.

Parents are encouraged to stop by the Gym after their student/teacher meet & greet and grab a slice of Pizza hosted by the Lincoln R-2 PTO.