"A Cardinal Christmas" Will Be Theme Of This Year's Parade


Lincoln Chamber met in City hall Wednesday, November 13. In the absence of the President Lindsey Decker, Mayor Glen Nelson conducted the meeting.

Dorcas Brethower was unable to attend but sent a very comprehensive and detailed accounting of the Balloon Glow/Strongman event. After all expenses were paid there was a net income of $3,605.80. Dorcas proposed the Chamber split the proceeds with MU Extension for their work with the Strongman contest. It was agreed to do that and the Chamber will apply their $1,800 to the Green Space.

Lori Shroeder, Chamber Treasurer, reported the Chamber’s October bank statement was $8,295.84.

Discussion was held concerning the December 14 Christmas Parade, Craft Fair & Soup & Chili Supper. Amy Biggerstaff has said her Drama students will host the Soup & Chili Supper to raise funds for their spring production of Mary Poppins.

“A Cardinal Christmas” was chosen as the theme for the 32nd annual Christmas Parade. According to the 125th Anniversary Book, printed by the George Williams press, the first parade was in 1992. There was the Chili dinner at the school, visits with Santa, performances by school bands and drawings for hams & turkeys.

A Cardinal Christmas is a theme that offers endless possibilities for Parade entries, ranging from the school to the bird’s wide range of symbolism. Some associate the sighting of a Cardinal with the presence of a loved one who has passed away. The red color of the Cardinal is also commonly seen as representing vitality and passion. Most commonly, the sight of a Cardinal bird is often considered a symbol of hope, joy and good luck.

So put on your thinking caps and create an entry for the 2024 Christmas Parade.