A Message From The Mayor


Update on Street Repairs: Spring Street is now open to through traffic. We are sorry it took so long to repair but there were several things that affected project.

First of all, the abnormally heavy and frequent rains delayed progress. There were equipment failures. Scheduling of contract labor also played a role in the time lines. What started as a simple culvert replacement turned into a major project. The good news is that the repaired culverts should not need any further repairs for many, many years.

Other updates will be scheduled throughout the city before they become an emergency. By doing this we will be able to minimize the time it will require the streets to be closed. Please be patient with the public works workers as they repair our streets. The sites of repairs of the disruptions due to the water project will be high on the list of repairs to be made.

Kiosk in Butterfield Trail Park: Two members of American Legion Post #305 erected a kiosk purchased by the Cole Camp Chamber of Commerce. Our thanks go to Dave Locke and Eddie Craig for their volunteering to erect the kiosk. Dave is also one of the West Ward Aldermen.

The next regular Board of Aldermen meeting will be August 15, 2024 at City Hall at 7:00 PM. The agenda will be posted on Cole Camp City web page and on the City of Cole Camp Facebook page as well as being posted on the door of City Hall.