A Message From The Mayor


Summer is coming to an end and the Cole Camp Fair is just around the corner. Our Public Works workers will be doing extra clean-up around town to prepare for our visitors during the
“World’s Fair” as we like to refer to it. It would be a great help to them if citizens would go the extra mile and make sure your property is in tip top shape before the fair begins. Cole Camp is known as a pretty town to visit and we would like to keep it that way. As summer ends there is a tendency to let our gardens, flower beds, and yard get a bit out of hand. The rains that we are having will keep our plants and grass looking green but will require some extra care as well. Take a look at your home using an outsider’s eyes. Are your flower beds weedy and full of leggy plants that have stopped blooming? There is time to deadhead those plants and give them some shape before fall arrives. Are your cute lawn ornaments nearly hidden by tall grass or weeds? The rain makes it much easier to pull up the unwanted vegetation. Let’s all do our part to get our town back into shape before the fair begins. And if you have neighbors who are not able to do their yard work as well as you would like, offer to help them with one of their projects, Cole Camp is also known as a friendly town so keep our reputation for friendliness a top priority. If we all work together, we can accomplish more than we ever imagined. Thank you very much for doing your part to keep our town a pleasant place to live.
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The topic of the week is SPEED! School has started and the school zones are clearly marked. The children are not back into the rhythm of getting up in time for school and may not pay attention as they walk to school. It is our duty to protect them from themselves and others, so watch your speed in the school zones and other places they walk along the streets or cross the streets. Out Police Department will be monitoring these areas as well and getting a ticket could ruin your day.
Speeding has become a big issue all over town. The speed limit in Cole Camp is 25 unless otherwise posted. It is obvious that many people are either unaware of the speed limits or choose to ignore them. I am asking our Police Department to begin stricter enforcement of these speed limits to minimize danger to all our citizens. I am aware that it is difficult to slow your vehicle from 55 to 30 as you enter the city limits, but it can be done. We all know where the speed zones change and there are warning signs posted before you reach the city limits. The change occurs quickly on Hwy. U and Hwy. F so it is necessary to anticipate the change and slow down prior to entering the city limits. I will be checking with MoDOT to ask that the speed limit on those two roads be reduced to 45 before they enter the city limits. This may not be granted, but I will try.
Please help make our city streets safer for all our citizens by obeying the speed limits. Save yourself the consequences of earning a speeding ticket and perhaps injuring yourself or someone else. Slow down and be safe!