Benton County Sheriff's Report


Sheriff’s Report
1/6/25 to 1/12/25

Amanda Nicole Villegas of Warsaw, Mo was arrested on 1-8-25 on 3 Benton County warrants for Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility, Failure to Wear Seatbelt, Exceeding Posted Speed Limit 16-18. Bond is set at $500.00 cash only. Subject posted bond and was released with a court date.

Nicole Marie Johnson of Warsaw, MO was arrested on 1-9-25 and placed on a 12 hour detox hold, upon completion of the detox, subject was released.

Jennifer Michelle Bird of Lincoln, MO was arrested on 1-10-24 on a Benton County warrant for Failure to Appear/Own/Operate a Motor Vehicle Without Maintaining Financial Responsibility. Bond is set at $250.00 cash only. Subject posted bond and was released with a court date.