Church News


Warsaw Christian Church

Do you believe in angels? I do, even though I have never seen one. I believe they exist because Scripture refers to these heavenly creatures over and over again. They are created beings who serve God and who also play a role in our lives. In Job 38:4-7 God is speaking. He declares that at the time of creation, the angels of God shouted for joy (NIV). This suggests that angels were created before our present universe. They were a sort of cheering section when God spoke the universe into existence. I can almost picture the scene. Every time God spoke something into existence, the angels jumped up and down and shouted, “Way to go, God! Look at that sun, and those planets. Wow! Hallelujah! God, you are really great.”  I suppose they used more dignified language, but they were clearly impressed by the almighty power of God as He created the universe out of nothing.
They are spiritual beings but sometimes have appeared in human form. Thus, they may be mistaken for human beings (Heb. 13:7). They are rational beings, even as we are, but they have intelligence far superior to ours. The angels were subjected to a test of their obedience, as were Adam and Eve. We learn from 2 Peter 2:4 that some of them sinned. Satan was once a mighty angel, but he fell from grace and brought other angels with him. Some interpreters see a reference to this in Rev. 12:1-9. Isaiah 14:12ff speaks of the fall of Lucifer. His sin was to make himself like the most high, the very temptation he presented to Eve in the creation story.
An interesting passage about the angels is found in Hebrews 1:14: “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” This is where the idea of each of us having a guardian angel comes from. I like to think there is a big, ol’ angel looking after me! We know that God watches over the redeemed, and perhaps one of the means He uses is the angels. Most of this angelic aid is done secretly behind the scenes, unknown to us.
We are warned not to worship angels (Colossians. 2:18). God alone, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is the only One we worship. We do not pray to angels.  We just let them quietly go about their work as they minister to us in unseen ways. We wish we had more detail about how angels function, but there are things God chooses not to reveal to us. We abide by what He has revealed in Scripture. Jesus knew that angels were real, and that is good enough for me.
LIncoln First Baptist Church
Happy Sunday to everyone.  May God bless you this week.
Pastor’s sermon was from Luke 12.  Warnings and Encouragement.    We should carry God with us  in our daily walk.  Where is your main focus?  Jesus needs to be your focus.  Jesus will give you the words to say in any situation.  The Lord provides for all your needs.  We store up God’s blessings but we need to pay it back.  Wherever your treasures are there your heart will be also. 
Be fruitful.  Be ready when Jesus returns.  Don’t hide your faith.  Shine in this world and have boldness for being a Christian.  Lay up your prayers, love and charity.  Things of this world will be burned up. Your treasures should be love for others.  Put Jesus first. 
Hopewell Baptist Church
In Matthew 9:14-17 John (Jesus’ cousin) has followers not unlike Jesus’ disciples, and they ask Jesus why they and the Pharisees fast, but Jesus’ disciples do not? Fasting was often associated with mourning and seeking the face of God, where one would spend the time typically preparing and eating food, focusing on God’s desire for them. Fasts were short, often 24 hours or less, then one would eat as a sign that God had revealed Himself. Jesus responds saying, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while He is with them? Why would they fast when they are with Me”? Sometimes denying ourselves is recognizing we do not have the capacity to forgive our sins. Some let their denial get in the way of spending time with Jesus. If the purpose of fasting is to seek the face of God, why then are we not seeking the face of God? There is nothing wrong with denial if we are focusing on God.
That same Jesus lives inside everyone who has put their faith and trust in Him. We’ve been taught the Messiah is coming and Jesus says, “I’m here, now. I’m standing right here”! When He comes into our hearts, if we try to make Him fit in to what has always worked, we miss out on what Jesus is doing. Every one of us has traditions, then suddenly when He comes into our hearts, we keep trying to put Him somewhere where there is no room. Traditions are not bad, Jesus tells us, but sometimes we get so confined and anything else makes us uncomfortable.
Sometimes change can be difficult. If we never challenge what’s going on in our hearts, we’re not growing. He lives inside us, and we need to stop trying to keep Jesus in the box. Let’s let Him work! It starts with each one of us! We don’t get to expect someone else to do it. Jesus say’s “I’m right here! I want to show you where to go, and you keep putting me in a box!’. Put Jesus forward. Please don’t be afraid to follow Him today!  
Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m., and Sunday and Wednesday Bible Study at 6 p.m. Watch us live at 11 a.m. on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.
Unity of the Lakes
Thanks to everyone who attended our service and fish fry last Sunday.  It was great to have such a large group and it felt like family, because we are.  Next Sunday 10/1/23 we are blessed to have Rev, Sandra Duncan as our guest speaker.  Her service is "Let's Talk About Spirit".  The scripture reference is John 3:8.  Join us as we hear a powerful message and feel ourselves being "born of spirit".  Service is 11 am, dress is casual and all are welcome.  We are located 8 miles south of Warsaw on highway 65.  Our physical address is 34948 Hwy 65 South.  Follow us on Facebook.  We have a new class coming up along with a great lineup of speakers.  We look forward to seeing you.  If we have helped your spiritual growth and you would like to donate, please send your tithes, and love offerings to  Unity of the Lakes PO Box 1336, Warsaw, Mo 65355.
From the Pastor's Desk
Do You Think Like A Christian? 
-Philippians 4:1-9
Whenever someone enters a church, they bring in a certain philosophy along with them. A worldly philosophy believes abortion is right, sex before marriage is okay and same sex marriage is correct, among other opinions and thoughts. 
Some have strong opinions on  how a church should operate and sometimes voicing those views can cause division and strife.
It is the job of the pastor to teach his people how to think like a Christian according to the Bible. 
I struggle sometimes with a worldly view in that if someone offends me, I want to settle the matter with violence. Somebody says something we don't like, we are tempted to respond in like manner. Yeah, been there and done that.
When we come to the house of God, we need to leave our various opinions at the door. We are there to worship and praise God. We are to listen and read the scriptures of the day and allow them to challenge our thinking and our actions.
A critical spirit is not needed or appreciated. Do people come into your home and criticize the way you live? Probably not more than once. 
Back to our message, do you think like a Christian? 
Philippians Chapter four tells us how to pray a certain way, think a certain way and act a certain way. In other words, to live like a Christian. 
I do not go to church to hear a certain preacher preach a singer sing or to hear gossip. I go to worship God and listen to the Word. The Word saves, enlightens and encourages and not the preacher. 
I am Johnie Logue, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Warsaw at 31046 Hwy MM. Services are at 10, 11 and 4. and are on Facebook every Sunday.