Church News


Warsaw Christian Church

What if I had the opportunity to speak to the leadership of Islamic terrorists?  What would I want to say to them?
Gentlemen, I know you believe the Islamic religion is the one true faith and that all persons should submit to the authority of Allah.  I understand you because I believe the same thing about Jesus. I believe He alone is God's final and complete revelation, and all persons should surrender their hearts to Him. We cannot both be correct.
I do not understand why you try to advance your religion through terror.  Frankly, I see that as a sign of weakness. You don't think killing innocent people will draw people to your cause, do you? Even if you are successful, you will not have true converts to Islam.  You may have people who pay lip service to Allah only because they realize they will be punished, tortured, and perhaps even killed if they don't play along.
You seem filled with irrational hatred against Jews and Christians, especially American Christians.  Does Allah really approve of hatred?  Aren't you just a little ashamed to teach your young people to fly airplanes into buildings and promise them 70 virgins in paradise? You sure have a different idea of paradise than do we Christians.
However, if you are genuinely persuaded that Allah is the top dog in religion, why don't you just preach the message?  Why not try persuasion rather than coercion and terror?  
As a Christian minister, I preach Jesus and biblical truth and try to persuade people that He is the Savior. I can't imagine twisting arms and cracking heads to get people to embrace the Prince of Peace. Do I hate Moslems? Absolutely not. Will I try to persuade you to believe in Jesus? You bet I will. Remember, I believe He alone can save you for eternal life. I am concerned about your immortal soul.
Lincoln First Baptist Church
Hello from Lincoln.  May your week be blessed.  Worship was well attended today.  We were blessed with two specials today.  Doris Gemes sang one and Pastor Jesse sang another.  It was a blessing to hear.  Prayers are needed for many.  Always keep your pastor and church in your prayers.  The month of September is Rheuben L. South Mission offering month.    We are gearing up for Operation Christmas Child boxes. 
Pastor Jesse took his text from 1 Samuel chapters 15 and 16.  He told of how Saul fell out of favor with God.  God wants us to do what He says.  We need to gain things for Christ.  Saul didn’t destroy everything of the Amalekites that he was told to.  Saul feared the people more than God.  God told Samuel to stop mourning for Saul and fill his horn and be on his way.  He was sent to Jesse to view his sons for the one to be king in Saul place.  He viewed all of Jesse’s sons except David.  Samuel told Jesse to bring David to him.  God told Samuel that David was the one to be king.  A young shepherd who didn’t look like a fighting man.  God looked at David’s heart.
God loves obedience.  We remember our past but God looks at the heart.  If you repent God will forgive you.  God is after our hearts.  We know what lines we can cross with each other and God.  To be saved you have to realize you are a sinner.
Remember you are welcome at the First Baptist Church anytime.  SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:30, WORSHIP AT 10:30, WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICE AT 6 PM AND YOUTH AT 6PM.  HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE.
From The Pastor's Desk
Holy Men Of God Spoke....
I do not have to defend the Bible. The Bible takes care of itself. More and more people it seems are leaving churches and disowning their faith in God and in the Bible.
Tik Tok and the internet are full of unlearned and unqualified persons preaching and teaching the Word of God. By the way, online college degrees mean nothing to me whether it be in theology or from the secular world.
Apparently, many are impressed with such things and hang on every word given by someone who claims to be skilled in Hebrew and Greek. They also use traditions and history to destroy the authority and the truth of the Bible. 
We have teachers today and not preachers. Sound familiar? We call men doctors of theology and not pastors. Any pastor who wants to be called Dr. over the beloved word 'Pastor' is ignorant in my opinion.
I use the KJV Bible and probably know more criticism of it than anyone reading this. I own a dozen or so different versions and perversions
of the Bible.
Why do I still use the KJV ? My opinion doesn't matter but the facts do. The criticisms of the Bible and the KJV are many. They say they didn't have the better manuscripts, they wrote the gospels years later, with many errors and  contradictions. Here are some facts and some opinions.
1. It was authorized by a king.Fact.Regardless of what you have read about why KIng James wanted a new Bible, the hand of God appears to have been on these men. Opinion.
2. The 45-50 men who translated the KJV were among the finest scholars of their day. Fact.  Seven may have been among the wisest men who ever lived. Opinion. 
3. They had access to all of the manuscripts  they needed . Opinion.
4. I can remember some things in detail that happened 50-60 years ago.Fact. So could the original authors do the same and especially with the help of the Holy Spirit.Opinion.
5. Most alleged problems are explainable and of little significance.Opinion.
6. We live in a fallen world. Fact. 
I invite you to listen to our services on Facebook.Also, we would love to have you in our services on Sunday at 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
Hopewell Baptist Church

In Matthew 9:1-8 Jesus goes back to Nazareth and sees their faith. Jesus tells the paralytic man, take heart, your sins are forgiven. Jesus is worthy of our worship. Does God’s worth change because we struggle? The Bible teaches, we are going to struggle, and God works all things for good. Things we see as struggles, God uses in a mighty and powerful way. We want the hardships gone. He makes all things new. He takes broken vessels and turns them in to something beautiful. We know what and why, and without faith there is no forgiveness of sin. Our sacrifices are not enough if our hearts are not in it. 

The man Jesus meets has faith. Nothing will prove to the teachers of the law that Jesus is the Son of Man because their hearts were already made up. You always have a choice because Jesus is enough to forgive us of our sins. Who is Jesus we ask. The One who forgives sins and heals us. Salvation can be so close, yet so far away. It doesn’t matter what church we were raised in, what tradition we were taught, who our mom and dad are, whether we tithe, or, because we show up Sunday for church. Salvation is because we believe! When we have faith, we get out of the way and let Jesus save us. We can do all the right things every day, but that won’t save us. We put our faith and trust in Jesus, and that changes what we do. 

We are humans and make mistakes. We must find a way to challenge some of the things we’ve been taught. How Jesus’ word challenges who we were built to be. Sometimes Jesus needs to do the same with us. We do nice things but where is our heart. Sometimes Jesus needs to challenge our comfort. Will we invite Jesus to make us feel uncomfortable? If Jesus is calling our hearts to something, why aren’t we doing it?

Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m., and Sunday and Wednesday Bible Study at 6 p.m. Watch us live at 11:15 a.m. on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.


Unity Of The Lakes

Unity of the Lakes is very pleased to have Rev. Jen Hutchins as our guest speaker this Sunday 9/17/23.  Her service is "Green Pastures".  The Bible reference is the 23rd Psalm.  Please join us as we learn of a deeper message in this Psalm.  Rev. Jeniffer Hutchins is the founder of Unity Arts Ministry.  Her mission is to inspire self-reflection and personal transformation through spiritual principles and the healing power of art.  This is a service you do not want to miss.  Service is 11 am, dress is casual and all are welcome.  Come grow with us.  We are located 8 miles south of Warsaw on highway 65.  Our physical address is 34948 Hwy 65 South.  Join us for service and stay for refreshments and fellowship.  Follow us on Facebook.