Church News


Calhoun Community Church
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun Community Church. Our church family gathers at 9:30 a.m. for pre- church food and fellowship. We use this special time for visiting one with another, welcoming guests as they arrive for Worship, and signing cards of encouragement for our card ministry. We rang the church bell at 9:45 to call our church families to worship at 10:00.
Our prayer list this week includes: Debbie and Clint Land, Sondra Short, Nicolette, Dalton Conner, Barbara Sales, Mike Bicknell, Jerry Reed, and Dave Burson; the war in Israel and Ukraine, college protesters, our military men and women and their families, as well as others in service jobs that we depend upon daily. We pray for guidance as we continue to grow, here on the southeast corner of the Calhoun square.
Joys to celebrate: Debbie Joy was welcomed back from vacation with a round of applause for all the work she does for our church. We all enjoyed the homemade chocolate chip cookies shared by Carol Lane for pre-church fellowship this morning. We were blessed to have Judy and Dave Reynolds with us for worship today. We were pleased to sing Happy Birthday to, little Miss Kynslee Conner this morning and extend wishes for many more. Tom commented on the joy of hearing Orioles for the first time this week and the coming of hummingbirds to feeders. We are a diverse group here at Calhoun Community Church we try to have a little fun as well as Praise the Lord during our church experience.
We invite you to be our guest any Sunday morning at 10:00, come dressed as you are comfortable. Plan to receive a blessing for your effort, bring the youngsters and we will be blessed by your presence.
Thought for the week: “Being a good neighbor, will double the value of your property.”

Church of Jesus Christ (of Latter Day Saints)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints invites you to come worship with us each Sunday, 10am-12pm.
Sacrament Meeting is held 10am-11am.
Sunday School is held at 11 am-12pm on 1st & 3rd Sundays.
Priesthood and Relief Society meetings are held at 11am-12pm on 2nd & 4th Sundays.
Primary Class is held at 11am-12pm for children ages 4 through 11.
Nursery is provided at 11 am-12pm for children ages 1 through 4.
We have two full time missionaries (#660-890-4363) who are available to help teach us how to draw closer to our savior Jesus Christ and they are also available to help with family genealogy research. Two of our own Clinton Ward missionaries have returned home from their 2-year missions in Utah and Arizona. We still have one missionary who is serving his mission in Brazil, Juiz de Fora Mission.
Upcoming events:
Friday, 31 May, 2-6pm, Red Cross Blood Drive.
If you have questions, contact Brother Jerry Anspaugh at #660-351-3393.

First Baptist
On Sunday, Pastor Pat Findley delivered the 4th message in his ‘Jesus Calls’ series titled “Called to Multiply”. He began with the question: Have you become a disciple-maker? How did Jesus display the great commission? Everything Jesus did with His disciples was to further develop them as disciples. In Mark 6:34-44, after feeding people spiritually, Jesus answered the concern for physical hunger by encouraging people to use what little they had, and He miraculously multiplied it to feed 5000. Little is much when God is in it. He has already made a way and has already equipped us to multiply His kingdom. Pastor Pat described five stages in which Jesus developed disciples. First, He did and others watched and learned. Second, He did and others helped in what He was doing. Third, He called others to do and He helped. Stretching is growing. Fourth, He called others to do while He watched. Finally, where the kingdom of God truly advances, He called others to do while those watching learned. Jesus calls us to do so that others can learn from us. There is no way to become a disciple until you turn from being discipled to discipling others. As He develops us, we become equipped to develop others, who become developed to do the same, multiplying disciples. This process fulfills the great commission of loving others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ!
Celebrate Recovery is on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 pm at the Vansant location for anyone with hurts, habits, or hangups. GriefShare is offered every Thursday at 6 pm, for help and encouragement after the death of a loved one. Worship service times are 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday School is offered at 8:15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. For more information and upcoming events, please visit or find us on Facebook at ‘First Baptist Church – Clinton, MO’.
We invite those without a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church exists to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

First Presbyterian
As children of the living savior we have good news to share! Let ignorance, stubbornness and fear be dispelled from your heart. Walk in the light of Jesus and live in his mercy. He has poured out his love for you so be at peace and rejoice. The anthem this week was “As Long As I Have Breath” by Sue Farrar and was played beautifully by Gay Smith. Looking, Watching and Hungry was the title of Rev. Nancy Gillard’s message taken from Matthew 28: 1 – 10.
The diaper collection for the Samaritan Center has been delivered. We are thankful for all the generous donations. You now have a place for all those Best Choice labels you have been saving. Just place them in the designated basket on the foyer shelf because they are redeemable. The “Dresses and Shorts for African Children” project is in full swing. Several cute dresses and pair of shorts are hanging in the foyer. Stop by and take a look. Directions, fabric, trim and elastic are available for anyone interested in creating clothing for this mission project.
Come check out Tai Chi. It will help you to improve your balance and strength. Classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:00 am in Fellowship Hall and there is plenty of space for you. An advanced class is available on Mondays at 11:00 am.
We invite you to visit First Presbyterian Church. You will be greeted by a group of friendly, loving people. Worship with us at 10:30 am. A monthly newsletter and calendar of happenings is available on our website .

Urich Baptist
It was a cool morning as Clint Keeney rang the church bell to begin the worship service. Mrs. Julia Klinefelter led in the congregational singing with Mrs. Dixie Collins playing piano. Randy Vogt and Clint Keeney collected the offering.
The scripture passage from interim Pastor Steve Sowell’s sermon was from 1Peter 4:1-11. In this passage Peter continues to stress how we are to live with overflowing love for the Lord. We are to arm ourselves with the Word of God, the Bible, and live for Him in service.
There will be an account for all of us and our actions as death comes. Stay steadfast in the Lord’s love and be blessed with hope and eternal life. Have a blessed week.

Valley Center United
Great is Thy Faithfulness!!
We are an open and affirming church who welcomes all to come and worship with us next Sunday morning at 9 am.
Saturday, May 11th, Valley Center will be serving their homemade ice cream at the Craft Fair in Lowry City starting at 12:00 noon. Our 100 plus year old 5 gallon ice cream makers will be put to good use as we make many flavors that are sure to taste great! A reminder that we will be having worship services outside on the prairie that surrounds our church on May 19th. It will be a beautiful Sunday to join us!
We thank Jim and Karen Switzer for hosting our Super Sunday Social with coffee and delicious donuts! It was a great time of fellowship and fun! We thank the Stephanie and Jim Neuenschwander family for being our greeters, liturgists and for cleaning the church this month. Thank you to Taryn and Dylan Wirsig for being our greeters and for cleaning the church last month!
The congregation sang, “God of Grace and God of Glory” to begin our worship services.
When flood waters come, fear begins as the water rises. It can damage crops and our homes; it is hard to stop.
Water flowing can relate to our human endeavors of our actions as well. We see people rushing through life, so many different emotions rising and there are announcements of hatred and greed. It can be very troubling. It is a powerful force that is hard to stop. How do we react to all of this?
When we believe in something beyond ourselves, take the labels off and proclaim our faith, things stop and change directions. There is a familiar story in the Bible about God parting the waters. It is a great symbol of the force of righteousness.
No one can stop that spirit that has risen in our own lives and in our communities. It is a powerful force that surrounds us, inspires us and moves us. It gives us value, power and strength. It is the promise that God is with us always. He is our risen Savior.
“Almighty God, gives us strength, courage, vision and faith that we might always choose that which is good, right and just in your eyes. Amen”