Church News


Calhoun Community Church
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun Community Church. Our church family gathers at 9:30 a.m. for pre- church food and fellowship. This is a special time for visiting one with another, welcoming guests as they arrive for Worship, and signing cards of encouragement for our card ministry. We ring the church bell at 9:45 to call our church families to worship at 10:00.
Our prayer list this week includes Debby and Clint Land, Sondra Short, Jean Dittmer, Amber and Pat Dittmer and baby girl, Debbie’s friend Esther, Dalton Conner, Jerry Reed, and Dave Burson; the wars in Israel and Ukraine, our military men and women and their families, as well as those in service jobs that we depend upon daily. We pray for guidance as we continue to grow, here on the southeast corner of the Calhoun square.
Joys to celebrate: What a beautiful morning to celebrate those who have gone before us and those who have served in the Armed Forces. We all enjoyed the oatmeal cookies shared by Carol Lane for pre-church fellowship this morning; and thank her for sharing. Special Music this morning by Ms. Verna, “Roses will bloom again.” Bro. Short shared his joy of fishing in his farm pond. Tom expressed his appreciation for help from Linda Hawkins, Sue Lesmeister, Logan Colwell, and Jeremy Reed in trying to repair his computer; in order to have a bulletin for today. Steve Siercks commented on the wonderful weather for decorating graves. Guests for worship today were Tonya and Brylee Keller. We are a diverse group here at Calhoun Community Church, we try to have a little fun as well as praise the Lord during our church experience.
We invite you to be our guest any Sunday morning at 10:00, come dressed as you are comfortable. Plan to receive a blessing for your effort, bring the youngsters and we will be blessed by your presence.
Thought for the Week “The Lord will not give me more than I can handle; I just wish he didn’t trust me so much”.

Church of Jesus Christ (of Latter Day Saints)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints invites you to come worship with us each Sunday, 10am-12pm.
Sacrament Meeting is held 10am-11am.
Sunday School is held at 11 am-12pm on 1st & 3rd Sundays.
Priesthood and Relief Society meetings are held at 11am-12pm on 2nd & 4th Sundays.
Primary Class is held at 11am-12pm for children ages 4 through 11.
Nursery is provided at 11 am-12pm for children ages 1 through 4.
We have two full time missionaries (#660-890-4363) who are available to help teach us how to draw closer to our savior Jesus Christ and they are also available to help with family genealogy research. Two of our own Clinton Ward missionaries have returned home from their 2-year missions in Utah and Arizona. We still have one missionary who is serving his mission in Brazil, Juiz de Fora Mission.
Upcoming events:
Friday, 31 May, 2-6pm, Red Cross Blood Drive.
If you have questions, contact Brother Jerry Anspaugh at #660-351-3393.

First Baptist
On Sunday, special guest speaker Mason Huff delivered a message entitled ‘Marks of a True Christian’. Referring to Romans 12:9-18, Mason described three identifiers of how Christians reflect the image of God. First, Christians must have genuine love for each other. Though the world may describe love as a sentimental feeling, genuine love is a commitment. We must choose to love one another, regardless of our feelings. Second, Christians must be willing to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. While rejoicing may be easier than being with those who are hurting, to be Christ-like means to have compassion and share the Gospel, especially with those facing trials. Finally, Christians should not repay evil for evil. God calls us to live in harmony with one another. When faced with conflict, consider the blessing cycle, rather than retaliating. Don’t miss out on blessings to remain comfortable. Comfortable Christians are more susceptible to the devil’s tactics, especially when they aren’t growing in their relationship with Jesus. Everyone has a next step in following Jesus. Pray about your next step. How you live your life is the greatest tool you have to share the Gospel. Give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all!
Celebrate Recovery is on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 pm at the Vansant location for anyone with hurts, habits, or hangups. Worship service times are 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday School is offered at 8:15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. For more information and upcoming events, please visit or find us on Facebook at ‘First Baptist Church – Clinton, MO’.
We invite those without a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church exists to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

First Presbyterian
God’s greatness is beyond our understanding and yet He has revealed himself in Jesus Christ. Through Jesus we can know the absolute love of God. He pours out his love so that you may have new life through Jesus Christ. Lift up your heart and voice and praise the Lord! In the absence of our pastor, Rev. Dr. David Maggi blessed us with the message What’s Real? based on selected verses from Romans 2. Gay Smith played our anthem “Let Us Break Bread Together”.
On Friday, June 7 the Presbyterian Women will meet at the home of Martie Zumbrunnen for their annual brunch. The bible study for the 2024 – 25 year is “Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call for Neighbors and All Creation.” All women of the church are invited.
The display of dresses for children in Africa are filling up the racks in our church foyer. These colorful creations will soon be headed to their distribution destination and another year of this annual mission project will come to an end. Thank you to each individual who donated their time and talent to sew the dresses. Due to the amount of detail put into each one, it is evident these garments are sewn with love in every stitch. Be sure to stop by and admire them before they are packed up and shipped out in June. The Presbyterian Women are also sponsoring another collection for the Samaritan Center. Toothbrushes in all sizes are needed for oral hygiene. Harvesters does not donate hygiene products so toothbrushes are in demand. Please place all donations on the foyer shelves.
Weekly Tai Chi classes are available for you. Tai Chi helps improve your balance and strengthen your core. Classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:00 am in our Fellowship Hall and there is plenty of space for you. An advanced class is available on Mondays at 11:00 am.
You are invited to visit First Presbyterian Church. A group of friendly, loving people will be sure to make you feel at home. Worship begins at 10:30 am. A monthly newsletter and calendar of church opportunities are available on our website .

Mt. Calvary Apostolic Pentecostal
“Sticks and Stones”
Scripture: Acts 6:8-15, Acts Chapter 7
When we preach the truth of God’s word, we have a target on our backs. Holy Spirit will reveal all truth.
The Sanhedrin, who were educated, and prideful, were frustrated because for all the education they possessed, they could not match the wisdom of Stephen.
Education will only take us so far. Stephen received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Knowledge, experience, and timing give us wisdom.
The Sanhedrin were no match for Holy Spirit. There is a difference between being right and righteous. These men were concerned with being right.
The disciples taught the same scriptures as the Sanhedrin did, but they taught that Jesus was the messiah who came to offer deliverance to everyone.
The enemy used the pride of the Sanhedrin. He does the same thing with us today, uses the pride of man being right is never more important than being righteous.
If you know you are right because you have checked yourself against scripture, it doesn’t matter if it is a bishop, you stand your ground. You better not back down. Stand on that truth because God is more with you alone than all against you.
God’s track record is tried and true. If we are righteous, we will be right. We have s responsibility to be a witness at all times.
Reading the word and knowing scripture will shut down the enemy.
Prayer and fasting will make space for Holy Spirit. We don’t receive the Holy Spirit just to make it to heaven. He dwells within us, do we can go and help the next person. That is the greater thing, to take what you have and share it with others.
Stephen taught the history of the Jews up to the point of Jesus. He taught how they were disobedient, and God would forgive them, then they would be disobedient again because they failed to receive the Lord.
Those who have a heart for Jesus will have a heart to do right. If you have the love of God in you, you can’t hate. If you do, the love of God is not in you, and that makes you a liar.
As Stephen was being stoned he prayed and asked God not to hold this against them. It says in chapter 7 that Stephen fell asleep. It doesn’t say he died.
Act 7:59-60.
Jesus stated on the cross, “It is finished” He also had asked God to forgive them.
There is a difference between being knocked out and laying down to go to sleep. God gives us free will, we can ask God to receive our spirit. We give it to him.
The truth we carry within will make us bold, strong, and courageous. The gates of hell will never prevail against the truth of God’s word. You have power God has given you to proclaim this great gospel.
God Bless.

New Hope Baptist
New Hope Baptist Church, 209 E. Pine, Clinton, will enter into Revival services Monday, June 3, 2024. Services begin at 7:00 pm each evening, except for Sundays when they begin at 6:00 pm. Services are expected to continue for two weeks.
Bro. John Ankrom of Tin Town Missionary Baptist Church, from Bolivar, Missouri, will be the helper. Elder Barry McCoy of Humansville is Pastor of New Hope. The community is invited to attend. Prayers are requested for the presence of the Lord and His Saving Grace. New Hope is a Missionary Baptist church where the full gospel is preached and Baptist practice carried out to the end that lost souls might have an opportunity to seek and find a heartfelt experience of Salvation.
Questions may be directed to Ann Pugh at 660-351-0021.

Urich Baptist
What a beautiful Sunday as we gathered to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we could have freedom. Clint Keeney rang the church bell. Mrs. Julia Klinefelter led in the congregational singing with Mrs. Dixie Collins playing piano. We rejoiced with Kevin and Brenda Richeson on their 21st wedding anniversary. Randy Vogt and Clint Keeney collected the offering.
The scripture passage from interim Pastor Steve Sowell’s sermon was from Romans1: 16-32.
This passage describes the destruction, corruption, and fall of the Roman Empire. This passage also describes our world today. Christians are given strength, courage, guidance, protection, and blessings to overcome all types of corruption. God’s Word, the Bible, gives us instructions by faithfully spread His love, kindness, and overcoming evil by doing good. Have a blessed week.

Valley Center United
Holy, Holy, Holy, God in three persons, blessed Trinity
We are an open and affirming church and welcome all to come and worship with us next Sunday morning!
High winds came to Valley Center that split several trees and moved our children’s playground equipment. Our always willing resident “handymen” are already on it and will have it cleared in no time! Next Sunday there will be a Mission trip meeting after church services along with our fellowship “Sweet Sunday” with donuts!
How do we understand about the three in one of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, but still believe that there is but one God? God the Father is revealed in the Old Testament as the Creator, Lord and Father. God the Son is Jesus Christ who lived among humans, loving and serving others. And God the Holy Spirit is the present energy that comes into our lives that moves us to be the people of God. It is a revealing force that inspires us and is constantly renewing us and giving us strength. It is something that we can actually see and hear. It may be through the small voice of a child or even with the grandeur of the sun and stars, but the signs are always there for us. We can feel it and we rely on it.
This love that comes from the Triune God, helps us to understand this higher power, and is the one that keeps us encouraged and energized to go out and do what is right.
Unity and Trinity moves us to be the best Christians we can possibly be. Together we can do God’s work. So instead of saying, “Lord, send me”, we can say, “Lord, send we as a church”. Amen