Cole Camp Council Hosts Special Session


Mayor Diana Burdick called the Cole Camp City Council to order for a special work session Thursday, November 26 at 3:00 PM. Councilman Jeremiah Crider joined the session later as he was still at work.

Up first on the agenda was a sick time request from an employee that had been injured on the job and missed fourteen hours of work. Council allowed the employee to draw compensation from their insurance.

The Religious Freedom Resolution was tabled for a later date but the Council held a first and second reading by Title only of Bill No. 2024-15, the planning grant for safe streets for all. It passed and became Ordinance #571. CSF Engineers have been selected to manage the project.

The council then began plowing its way through the budget amendments, one department at a time. Councilman Steve Knox excused himself early as he had another commitment. Working on the Budget is part of the year-end business that has to be completed.