CWC June Luncheon Will Feature Speaker On Grace


Liz Mitchell wears many hats. She is the owner of three businesses, an ordained minister, a teacher and lives on a family farm in south Missouri.
When she lists her activities, however, pastoring comes first.
Liz is taking the time from her schedule to drive up to Clinton next week to be the guest speaker at the Christian Women’s Connection luncheon at 11:45 a.m. on Tuesday, June 18. June is the month the CWC celebrates its birthday, and the birthday of everyone in attendance.
Liz’s topic: “Graced.”
“I teach a class on Grace at our South campus,” she said. “Grace changes EVERYthing.”
Grace is defined as the undeserved favor of God, which cannot be earned, but is freely given. She teaches the class for a free class series at James River College.
Liz, who lives in Ozark, Mo., helped found the college, which prepares students for Christian leadership. Originally from Miami, Oklahoma, southwest of Joplin, Liz attended Missouri State University, where she studied English in a master’s program. She was a college writing instructor at MSU, Ozark Technical College and James River.
Liz and her husband, Scott, started All-American Home Rental and Sales in Springfield, where she handles the marketing and communications. She is also the co-owner of the CrossFit gym in Republic.
As an ordained minister, Liz has been involved in college ministries and pastoral care for women. She now volunteers with Seasons Hospice in Springfield, mostly visiting nursing homes. She is affiliated with Assemblies of God USA.
In 1980, Liz’s parents started the Miami Missionary Tent Company, (, which provides large tents for revival and evangelical meetings throughout the world. She and her siblings own the company which is run by her brother, David Tromsness, in northeast Oklahoma.
“And I’m a Gigi,” she said, referring to the name her five grandchildren call her. She teaches at one of her grandchild’s homeschool co-ops.
Liz’s sister, Shirley Rucker, a stained-glass artist, is head of the board of the Christian Women’s Connection, which grew out of Stonecroft Ministries. The Clinton club started meeting more than 40 years ago, and will celebrate its birthday at the June meeting, plus the birthdays of those in attendance. Make your reservation for the luncheon, which is catered by Melinda Dehn, through Friday, June 14, by calling Shirley Rucker, 417-321-0013.
Cost is $14 and includes hot entree, salad, side dish, dessert and ice tea or coffee.
CWC luncheons are held in the fellowship hall of First Assembly of God, 1506 E. Ohio St., Clinton, MO 64735. Lunch starts at 11:45 a.m., with the program ending at 1:15 p.m., making it convenient for women to attend on their lunch hour, or need a break from routine. All are welcome.
Last month, the church hall was decorated in an African theme for a presentation, “Still the God of Miracles,” by Rina Burke, who is from South Africa. Life-size cut-outs of giraffes and other animals roamed the back wall, turning it into a savannah, and colorful African textiles and artifacts lined the tables. Artist Trish Meyers, co-owner of Galley Three, serves as emcee for CWC programs and conducts the drawings for door prizes.
Programs are both entertaining and inspirational. They are presented by men and women from a broad range of professions, who speak on how they live out their faith in their daily lives. The July speaker is scheduled to be Rob Hill from the Johnson County Sheriff’s Department. Rob is also a director and actor at Heartland Community Theater. He is planning to illustrate his program by bringing a canine police dog and handler.