A large crowd attended the Monday night, November 11 Lincoln’s Donkey Basketball game. It had been a number of years since the little four-footed critters had sprinted up and down the court and everyone said it was a great show.
Game 1 was the Lincoln Alumni/Staff of Sarah Cramer, Anne Goosen, Connor Lynde, Brandon Siercks, Adam Curtis, Ross Johnson, Roy Weatherby, Chris Clutter, Erin Helland, Ely Eckhoff and Chris Sanders opposing the Lincoln Students who were Noah Eckhoff, John Cramer, Cameron Altenthal, Larry Roberts, Justin Bowman, Emmagail Biggerstaff, Sydney Spry and Thomas Rose.
The Emcees for the event were Lane Johnson and Brett Bryant. The Hazmat Crew (cleanup) consisted of Myles Harms, Chase Young, Audrey Keuper and Kaylee Simons.
Then came Game 2 with the Lincoln FFA members Audrey Keuper, Kaylee simons, Bogan Lines, Elijah Smith, Lucas Wolfe and Isaac Brown opposing the Cole Camp FFA. Playing for Cole Camp was Addison Ives, Brooklyn S., Maddison Barnes, Maddy Brandt, Blake Bourgman and Matthew Freiwald.
At the intermission there was a donkey kissing contest and a 50/50 Raffle. Then the Championship game was played with the Lincoln alumni/Staff team taking the win. It came with lots of bragging rights!
The game took in just over $6,000 for the City parks and according to sources will be used for painting and sprucing up certain areas and some going to the Walking Trail fund.