Frustrations With Police Chief, Council Expressed In Cole Camp


The Cole Camp City Council met in regular session on Thursday, December 19 at 7:00 PM in city hall. Following routine business, the council then made a decision concerning the Religious Freedom resolution. Councilman Jeremiah Crider made a motion against the resolution, stating, “I think we need to keep church and state separate.”

Other council members agreed and the matter was turned down.

Concerning the 2024 amended budget; it was tabled until the December 26 meeting as City Clerk Dawn Paul stated there were more bills yet to be paid and they should have them by Monday, December 23. Council will meet at 6:00 PM on December 26 to continue work on the 2025 budget.

Under the property insurance renewal, it was decided to go on a monthly payment plan while the agent seeks a cheaper plan if one is available. The city’s property insurance had a 28% increase but it was pointed out the city has newer vehicles and have added a couple of vehicles. There is no extra charge for being on a payment plan and the new policy has to be in place by January 1, 2025.

Tammy Eckhoff of Planning and Zoning shared they had a work session and a large number of business people are concerned about changes to the city’s ordinances. She said, “I’m asking council for guidance on this because we need to know what is out of line with the state.”

Paul reported that she didn’t have anything new except to remind council that Melissa had given her notice and her last day in the city hall office would be December 31 at 5:00 PM.

The Public Works report revealed that department is now operating with only one full-time and one part-time employee and are struggling to keep up, but they had permanently installed the stop signs at Junge Street and North Maple Street, now making that a 4-way stop. One worker had fallen from a ladder and with an injured hip it would be 6-12 weeks before he could be back on the job.

Councilman Crider reported the city is dealing with a collapsed sewer line on the Steve Noel property on North Olive. The area has had problems off and on for some time and the sewage is now backing up into a neighboring basement. Crider advised North Olive would be closed the next week as new lines are being installed.

Mayor Burdick reported the city has had numerous calls complaining of speeding vehicles at the edge of town. MoDot has been contacted and they plan to do a speed study to resolve the issue. Mayor Burdick also announced the pickleball courts will be closed for the winter months of January thru March. Nets will be taken down to prevent damage in the winter weather. They will leave the nets on basketball hoops as those are used all winter long by the town’s youth.

Under citizen comments, Marty Doogs, president of the Cole Camp School Board, aired his frustration with the council and the police chief. Doogs stated the school board had requested a SRO for Cole Camp R-1 and when that didn’t happen, they hired their own, but for him to be legal, he needs a sit down with the police chief and that isn’t happening either.

Brad Garret came to the podium and questioned Police Chief Canfield why he and his men don’t enforce the speed limits and write tickets. Chief Canfield responded by saying, “We do; we issued about five or six last month.”

Council went into closed session to discuss a personnel issue. In the session they interviewed an individual to fill the position vacated by Heath Roark. Council offered the position to the person and he said he wanted to discuss the offer with his family before accepting the job.

Reminder: Cole Camp City Council will meet in special session on Thursday, December 26 to conclude and close the 2024 budget and to set the 2025 budget for the upcoming year.