Have I Got A Line For You!


Wasn’t it a beautiful weekend? Should be more to come as we enter late summer. At least I hope so. JWB came down for a visit on Saturday and we took a drive around Warsaw. It’s always interesting and she remembers who “used to live where” and what they looked like and how they dressed. The “old gentlemen” usually wore suits and hats when they walked downtown. Many carried canes. They were indeed “old gentlemen” in the late 1930’s. Some of them were boys when Fremont’s Army burned part of the town. They were in pursuit of Confederate General Sterling Price who was from Chariton County. There’s a big statute of him in Keytesville. Freemont’s men had to cross the Osage River at Warsaw and they built pontoon bridges to do so. We ended the drive with a stop at Riverside Cemetery and said hello to family members and old friends, lingering at some graves when sudden memories tugged at our spirit. It was a gentle day.
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President Biden halted a program that flew migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela into the United States. The Department of Homeland Security uncovered massive fraud by the applicants. Surprise, surprise! Did anyone ever think there wouldn’t be fraud? This program never got Congressional authorization and violated laws already on the books. So much for the rule of law. Good thing they’re not going after those socially responsible cartels. The millions in revenue they’re getting in extortion payments is perfectly fine. They’re suppliers of affordable pharmaceutical products, after all. At this rate it won’t be long until the system is bankrupt and they’ll blame capitalism and turn to socialism as the cure. Ah well, what’s wrong with waiting in line for bread?
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Another election has bitten the dust. Many, many, thanks to those who volunteer and work the polls to keep our democracy humming along and to those who cast their ballots. Politics is generally fun, though it can bring heartbreak. Election time always reminds me of a candidate who stopped by the office after a contentious race. He placed a thank you advertisement for those who supported him. Before leaving, he looked at Phronsie and said, “I’ve learned one thing about politics. There’s a hell of a lot of liars in Benton County.”
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Time to close up shop for the day. The week moves determinedly on, though a bit warm. Sure beats ice and snow. Hang in there Old Buddy and we’ll make it somewhere, somehow. In the meantime, find happiness in the moment. You bet!
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'Til Next Week: