Surprise, surprise, surprise! Hunter got a pardon despite the President repeatedly saying he would, “Not pardon my son.” Most of us saw this coming, but thought he’d wait until the end of the year. The Big Guy said Hunter was being “Persecuted for political reasons.” Okay . . . then how about pardoning President Trump? He’s been a victim of the most severe political persecution in the history of this country. None of this is shocking at all. What is shocking is what has happened to our country in the last four years.
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Let’s stay on the justice system. Daniel Penny, the former Marine who was accused of choking a man to death on a New York subway could learn his fate this week. Penny stepped in when Jordan Neely was threatening passengers. Neely was arrested 42 times over the years. Most were minor charges. However, three were for unprovoked assaults on women in the subway. 42 arrests! I can’t get my head around that. It’s common sense that a person this disturbed would likely meet a violent end. I don’t think Mr. Penny should have been charged. He tried to do the right thing and protect others. It’s what he was trained for. And I’m sorry for the state Mr. Neely found himself in. If I had the courage though, I’d have done what Mr. Penny did. Meanwhile, Alvin Bragg and the justice system in New York are straight out of the Marxism playbook. Persecute your enemies, release felons from prison, create chaos and destroy society.
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What is else going on? I learned that one of my great-great-great grandmothers was a Fulkerson and Lord knows the country is full of them. The name was originally Holgerson. It belonged to a ship’s carpenter named Hans Holgerson from Bergen, Norway. Hans jumped ship in what’s now New York but was New Amsterdam in the 1600’s. The place was filled with Dutch settlers and they “Dutched” his name into Volkerse and it ended up as Fulkerson. Actually, the name changes in the Dutch system are more complicated than that, changing with each male generation down the line. I’m incapable of explaining how that’s done. But the name ended up as Fulkerson and there were hundreds of them in Missouri and points west.
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Listen Old Buddy, move cautiously and take an occasional look back to see if anything is following you. These are strange days.
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'Til Next Week: