Mayor Eddie Simons called the Warsaw City Board meeting to order at 6:00 PM on December 16.
Alderwomen Lou Breshears and Reba Slavens and Aldermen Adam Howe, Eric Flores and Rob Coskey were all in attendance. Alderman James White was absent.
City Clerk Jessica Kendall recorded minutes of the meeting.
The 2025 budget was presented to the board for approval.
Total governmental fund revenues are projected at $8,301,156 and expenditures at $8,215,428. This provides for a final budget of revenues over expenditures of $85,728.
Full-time employees will receive a 2% step increase and a 2.5% COLA.
Departments major purchases may include:
Transportation: 16” Cold Planer-$16,795, 72” pick-up broom; $11,560; $300,000 overlay.
Parks: lawn mower, $12,500; master plan, $45,000; shelters, $20,000; restroom, $143,966.
Capital: projects: CAO, TAP North and CDBG, TAP South, Tap GAP.
General: Administration-website-$15,000; Code/Development: Scanner/Printer-$15,000; Laptop-$3,500; total, $18,500.
Police: Highway Patrol Dodge Charger-$30,000, Speed Trailer-$7,180. AED’s (5)-$2,040 per year (4 years) and Radars (3)-$9,680. Total $48,900.
Burns and McDonald, $45,000 contract selected by the Master Plan.
Architectural design contact with Rollings Architects, $143,966. This firm designed the large restroom for the Conservation Assistance Program (CAP) project that is currently advertising for bids.
Utilities increase of 2.02% that equals $1.98 increase per 5,000 gallons.
Rates: Water, $12.24, $6.43 per 1,000, total $44.39. Sewer, $22.96 per 1,000 $6.60, total $55.96. Total, $100.35
Employee benefits, health insurance: 100% paid, dental and vision added. Lagers: Upgrade to Level L-6 with a 3-year final average.
The board approved the 2025 budget after a motion was made by Slavens and seconded by Breshears. All votes were aye.
With no further discussion and no visitor's on the agenda, the meeting adjourned at 6:02 PM.
The City of Warsaw meets regularly on the first and third Monday's of each month.
All are welcome and encouraged to attend.