The full Lincoln City Council met on Tuesday, November 12 in City Hall at 6 p.m. Following routine business of approving the bills, agenda and the minutes of past meetings, the floor was open for fifteen minutes for anyone not on the agenda.
Anthony Nuncio came forward during this time and expressed his appreciation for the Lincoln Police Department and their large efforts to clean up the drug activity in Lincoln.
Next on the agenda was JoAnn Lane with various announcements about Benton County Economic Development. Lane stated the December BCED meeting would be held in the Lost Valley Fish Hatchery at Warsaw but the monthly meeting would return to City Hall following the first of the year.
JoAnn shared 31 Chiropractic is now in its new location at the former Christian Outreach building. Cowgirl Kitchen Cheesecake Bakery should be open by Christmas. JoAnn explained how Small Business Saturday (11/30/24) and Benton County Bucks will work. She concluded her report by saying the Benton County Focus Group will meet in Foster hall On November 18, 2024.
Police Chief Andrew Breshears provided a detailed written report for the month of October. Public Works, Josh Cole gave his written reports and stated all the on-hand meters have been installed, he has sold the plow truck, He has repaired tractor tires and rims and all equipment has been inspected for winter.
City Clerk, Sabrina Brown, reminded the board that filing for candidacy opens on December 10, 2024 and closes December 31, 2024. Ms Brown read a thank you letter from the Lincoln Fire Department for the $100 donation from the City. The City made the $100 donation as a thank you for the Fire Department’s presence throughout the Fly-in at the Airport. Sabrina also announced there will be days in the coming months that the City Hall Office will be closed for new software training.
Royce and Sue Kelb appeared representing the Lincoln VFW. The VFW Day of Service will be May 3 2025 and they plan to spearhead a city-wide clean-up day sponsored by the VFW. They hope to enlist students from the R-2 School to also participate in the project.
The City had previously requested bids for re-roofing of City Buildings. There were several bids and they were so varied it was decided to have the City Clerk, Sabrina Brown and Public Works, Josh Cole carefully read and discern which responded to the guidelines of the bids. Following that process the low bid went to Restoration Roofing Solutions for $157,120.
It was announced the December Board Meeting will be at 6 p.m. Thursday, December 5, 2024, not Monday, December 2, 2024.