McQueen Gathering To Be Held


Do you know this couple? Are you related to them? Shortly after the close of the Civil War, and after a brief stay in Indiana, Andrew Davis McQueen and Sarah Emaline Tope McQueen relocated from Ohio to Leesville, Missouri. For many years, they were important members of the Leesville and Henry County communities. In the beautiful home they built in Leesville, they raised a family of 15 children. Since the 1950’s, the family of their eldest son, Able “Ellsworth” McQueen and his wife Nellie Briggs McQueen, have gathered for a pot-luck dinner on the 4th Sunday in July to reminisce and catch up on family news. This year, they would like to invite members of other branches of this large and wonderful family to join them. Bring a dish to share, your own table service and drinks (no alcohol, please). If you have family stories to share and/or family memorabilia, those would be welcome. Please share this message with any McQueen family-members you know. Listed below are details. For more information contact Sharon Black at
What: Gathering of the McQueen Family
When: Sunday, July 28, 2024
Where: Windsor Elementary School Cafeteria
Time: 10:30 AM -1:30 PM