New MDC Director Responds To Benton County Economic Development Concerns


The BCED group decided in the May meeting to contact the newly appointed Director of the Missouri Department of Conservation, Jason Sumners. First, to congratulate him on his new position and how proud the Benton County residents are of one of their own achieving his new position.

Second, was to make him aware of how disappointed and troubled area residents were with the sudden closing of the Visitor’s Center and Fishing pond at the Lost Valley Fish Hatchery. The following is the response letter the group received from the new MDC Director, Jason Sumners:

Dear Benton County Economic Development Committee,

Thank you for your ietter concerning the Lost Vailey Fish-Hatchery. The hatchery plays a critical role in helping stock Missouri streams and lakes throughout the state, including Lake of the Ozarks and Harry S. Truman Reservoir, which are important for Warsaw's local economy.

The decision to close and repurpose the visitor center in 2021 was not taken lightly. The visitor center had one of the lowest attendance numbers of all Department nature and visitor centers (averaging around 12,000 visitors per year), and staff met with the Warsaw Chamber of Commerce and community leaders to discuss the repurposing of the visitor center. Currently, we are working to repurpose the existing exhibit space into a meeting space and education room for future programs.

Under the new plan, Department staff conducted 123 educational programs at Lost Valley Hatchery and within the Warsaw city limits last year. In the past, staff were unable to provide this level of service to the community since they were required to stay at the hatchery to watch the fishing pond. It is important to note the fishing pond is still open by appointment or scheduled events and programs.

The Department remains committed to helping Missouri communities. In fact, we have partnered with the City of Warsaw by providing up to $363,227 in cost share to construct a trail and associated infrastructure at the Drake Harbor Recreational Area, which will further enhance economic development and tourism in the area.

My team frequently provides conservation updates to local community clubs and chambers of commerce. Please reach out to Deputy Director, Aaron Jeffries at 573-751-4115 x3146 or if you would like to schedule someone from my team for an event.