P.E.O. Sisters Review Projects


Chapter EN, P.E.O. met at First Presbyterian Church on July 11 to hear reports of three projects that support higher education opportunities for women.
Martha Lowe presented a report on the International Peace Scholarship (IPS), which awards scholarships to women from other countries to attend college in the United States or Canada. Martha proposed that the chapter raise money to make a special contribution to IPS in honor of its 75th anniversary this year.
Connie Grisier and Peggy Powell reported on the Education Loan Fund (ELF), which provides low-interest loans to women for college or trade school tuition. The current interest rate is 2 percent for loans up from $12,000 for associate degree programs, and up to $25,000 for doctoral degree programs.
Chapter President Nancy Gillard reported on the Program for Continuing Education, which awards grants to women whose education was interrupted and are completing college.
Chapter officers read the P.E.O. memorial service for Gloria Saddoris, who died in April at the age of 92. Gloria moved to Pennsylvania in 2021 to live with her daughter, but continued to bring cheer to her P.E.O. sisters and friends in Clinton through notes and cards.
Twenty members attended the July meeting, which was hosted by Patty Moore. The next chapter event is a social outing on August 1 to tour the Vaile Victorian Mansion in Independence, Mo., followed by lunch at Cafe Verona.
The chapter’s First Friday Mystery Book Club met on July 12 because of the July 4 holiday. The group, led by Connie Grisier, discussed Jennifer Chiaverini’s book, “Resistance Women,” about life in Germany in the 1930s. Carolyn McAllister made apple kuchen with vanilla cream sauce for the dessert served with tea before the discussion. The next P.E.O. Book Club meeting is August 2.
Recipients of low-interest loans, grants and scholarships are awarded by P.E.O. International, chosen from women nominated by local chapters, of which there are two in Clinton —EN and IU. For more information about P.E.O. projects, go to peointernational.org.