The Shepherd Calls


That You Might Have Life
Despite God’s clear instructions to the contrary, man seems to think he can make a better life for himself than God can give. In the garden of Eden, Adam---who had everything he needed--- assumed God must be withholding something. Adam tried to improve on what God had made. It was a terrible and eternal mistake.
Humankind has been repeating that mistake ever since. We are much like the child whose parents give him a gift he has always wanted. The child quickly grows weary of the toy and dismantles it to see if he can improve it. Later, the parent finds the child playing with the box and wrappings of the gift while the toy lies broken on the floor.
The book of Genesis tells us God formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into him the breath of life. (Genesis 1:26) Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” (John 6:35) Of course, Jesus did not mean this literally. William Barclay said it right, “These words take us beyond the realm of physical existence. What makes humanity alive is the Spirit of God within us.” Animals and other creatures have life, but nothing even close to what humans know as life. Our lives are fashioned after the life of God Himself. The Bible tells us God made us in His image.
Jesus said, ”I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) Among other things, Jesus was saying He has come to help us put the pieces of our lives back together meaningfully. Life is more than existence. Life---abundant life---is Jesus living within you. Without Him, many are existing but not living.