A Message From The Mayor


Another Cole Camp Fair has been relegated to history. The weather was beautiful and all went well. I want to thank the people who worked behind the scenes to make it a success once more. The Fair Board worked long hours during the planning session and longer hours over the past week. Many thanks to the people who volunteered their time to set up and take down the exhibits, register the exhibits and make sure they were safe during the viewing hours. The Public Works Department employees of the city spent many hours sprucing up the streets, repairing sidewalk cracks, and putting up barricades on the streets. They also coordinated and assisted in the task of clean-up throughout the fair. The Cole Camp Police Department recruited extra officers from the Benton County Sheriff’s Department for extra security during the fair to help keep everyone safe. And an untold number of flowers were fluffed for the floats! Thanks to all the individuals who worked to create the beautiful floats and to show their antique cars and tractors. I hope I have not left out anyone and if I have, I am sincerely sorry. It’s everyone’s working together that makes our Fair a success year after year.

Just a reminder about school zones. The speed limit is 15 mph. These zones are clearly marked so there is no excuse for speeding inside them. Keep our children safe by slowing down at crosswalks and in school zones.