Have I Got A Line For You!


Lord Almighty! The old Russiagate ploy is back. Attorney General Merrick Garland is accusing Russia of using state media to spread disinformation before the Presidential election. Pot meet kettle! This is what they did with our state controlled media in 2016 and 2020. It doesn’t help that “Career politicians” stay in power by spreading disinformation and misinformation. That goes for Democrats and Republicans. Think we will ever get term limits? Not a chance! The tax payer and lobbyist funded gravy train is too lucrative for these scoundrels to ever give up.
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Well, Hunter changed his not guilty plea to GUILTY and the fix is in. Here comes the pardon. Apparently not everyone needs to pay their fair share of taxes. They want to get this away from the judge and jury before the Biden Crime Family’s dirty laundry tumbles out. Bet Hunter gets no jail time, no felony record and has an anonymous benefactor pay a small fine. This is what passes as the illusion of justice in our country.
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Niece Maeve Lorenz is spending the week in Denver and I asked her to go to Crown Hill Cemetery in Lakeside and visit the family graves. My great-great grandfather is buried there, also his parents and sisters, who all went there from Warsaw. T.B.’s tombstone says, “Buried in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains he loved so well.” Great-Great Grandfather White worked on the Rocky Mountain News and I have his journal. He was only 20 when he wrote about being able to see Pike’s Peak on a clear day. He married a New York girl and they took out for California where he invented some kind of steam train (Which never ran) and they ended up in Warsaw. In 1879 he started the Enterprise and predicted in print that “Warsaw would have many visitors because a great dam would be built on the Osage River.” He was only 100 years off on this prediction. Not too bad, I guess.
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Enough of this reminiscing, the weekend is looming. “Looming” really isn’t a positive word. Reminds me of Kilroy looking over the fence and “Loom” rhymes with “Gloom.” How about the weekend is “Blooming?” It’s time to end this rackety rambling. Hang in there Old Buddy and be careful who you trust. Salt and sugar look the same.
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'Til Next Week: