BCCF Presents Check To Seniors Of North Benton County


This past week, Board members from the Senior Center of North Benton County received a check for $5,000 to match an amount they have raised for parking lot resurfacing at the center. The matching funds check is from the (BCCF) Benton County Community Foundation and is a special grant program during 2024 as the BCCF celebrates a landmark anniversary.

The Cole Camp Senior Center is housed in what was once the Lion’s Club Building and was actually gifted to the Seniors of North Benton County in 2017, following the club’s demise. After the group acquired ownership they were faced with extensive upgrades, including the kitchen.

With that financial drain the parking lot could not be refurbished even though extensive pothole repair was done. This year, 2024, the group is starting Phase 1 of new overlay on the north part of the lot. The estimated costs is forcing the lot to be done in segments as just the front half will cost between 20 to 25 thousand dollars. They have raised enough money to begin, thanks to the matching funds grant from the BCCF. The Senior Center group will take a shot at funding another section in Phase 2.

The primary role of the BCCF is to establish endowed funds for the purpose of conducting a flexible community grant making program which addresses the most important needs of the community at any one time and have assisted with many worthwhile projects since their inception.