BCSWCD Hosts Annual Meeting And Open House


Friday, February 16th was the Benton Co. Soil and Water Conservation District’s Annual Meeting Open House celebrating 53 years of Conservation.

We served grilled hamburgers and hot dogs to 72 people in attendance with the location being the Baptist Church Foster Hall in Lincoln. This location gives us plenty of room to set up and serve our wonderful friends of Conservation.

The 2023 Cooperator of the Year award, went to Eric and Jessica Kullman of rural Cole Camp. Joe Reser, SWCD Board Treasurer, presented the Kullmans with this award.

With the 2024 Board Member election, past member Larry Nelson stepped down after 11 years of service to the landowners of Benton Co. Joe Fitzpatrick and Kris Burnett both ran for this replacement position. It was a tight race, but Joe Fitzpatrick is the new member to the Board. In addition, Joe Reser ran unopposed and is the treasurer for another 4 years.

The Board showed a special thanks to Larry Nelson for his time and presented him with a sign and certificate.

Congratulations go out to Erica and Jessica Kullman for their award and to Joe Fitzpatrick and Joe Reser for their board member positions.