Fristoe News


The weather has become more fall-like with each passing day this past week. However, the forecasts are saying that next week will have warmer temperatures.

We have received the plans for the funeral of Judy Retherford. It will be Saturday, September 14, at 11:00 AM at Reser Funeral Home in Warsaw.

Prayers this week are for Lewis Retherford, Kathy First, Gladys Harris, Carolee Apperson and Mary Scarbrough.

Birthday shout-outs this week to Mary Evelyn Scarbrough on September 11; also Claude Prater on September 11, and to one of the family of boys that I have mentioned birthday each year, the oldest one, but still having a birthday, Garrett Hilburn on September 16.

Next Sunday, sweet young McGuire, Allison McGuire celebrates her birthday. God bless you all.

Madalyn Arnett is selling fall decorations for the year; decorated corn stalks and bales of straw for her FFA class at Climax Springs High School. She is doing this for a project in her class so if you need something, look to Maddie and it will help her and her FFA class both.

Remember the Annual Fish Fry that the Antwiler Park Board has each year at the Fristoe Community Building. This year it is on October 24.

Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church reminds everyone to come out Saturday, September, 14, at Cross Timbers Community Building at 1:00 PM to celebrate Mary Evelyn Scarbrough's 97th birthday with her family!

Lighthouse Church is reminding everyone that this coming Sunday is National Return to Church Sunday so if you have been out of church for awhile, use this Sunday as a good reason to come back and enjoy being in church. If you don't have a regular church, I encourage you to come to Fristoe Lighthouse Church for a visit. I know you will be welcomed. Thre is plenty of praying, shouting, singing and worship each week. Adult Sunday School is studying in Exodus right now, showing how the stubbornness of Pharoah destroyed Egypt! Br. Smith's message was found in Mark chapter 8. God is good, all the time!

Thought for the week: Anyone who gossips to you about others, will for sure gossip to others about you!

Hope everyone who reads Fristoe News column has a happy, healthy, safe week!