By Grace Performance Team Competes In Edge National Talent Competition In Kansas City


The By Grace Performance Team from the By Grace Performance Studio competed in the Edge National Talent Competition in Kansas
City, MO April 27th & 28th. The team competed with 20 numbers including groups, trios, duets, and solos. Following are the results:
Platinum Awards for Solos: Benjamyn Diaz, 1 st place high point
High Gold Awards for Groups: Lyrical Group, 3 rd place high point
Tap B Group, 3 rd place
Tap A Group, 4 th place
All Group Open, 5 th place high point
High Gold Awards for Trios: Evangelyn Diaz, Stella Kubilus, Hallie Grace LaRue, jazz trio, 1 st place high point
Benjamyn Diaz, Evangelyn Diaz, Jasmyn Diaz, open trio, 1 st place high point
Benjamyn Diaz, Madison Huey, Keira McConnell, lyrical trio, 1st place high point
Benjamyn Diaz, Eastyn Foster, Keira McConnell, jazz trio, 2 nd place
Benjamyn Diaz, Jasmyn Diaz, Madison Huey, jazz trio, 4 th place
High Gold Awards for Duets: Haysel Avis, Madison Huey, lyrical duet, 5 th place
Jasmyn Diaz, Ashlyn McConnell, musical theatre duet, 6 th place
High Gold Awards for Solos: Eastyn Foster, 1 st place high point
Haysel Avis, 2 nd place high point
Evangelyn Diaz, 3 rd place high point
Keira McConnell, 3rd place
Jasmyn Diaz, 5 th place
Ashlyn McConnell, 6 th place
Benjamyn Diaz, open solo
Madison Huey, jazz solo
Haysel Avis, Benjamyn Diaz, Evangelyn Diaz, Jasmyn Diaz, Eastyn Foster, Ashlyn McConnell, and Keira McConnell were named to the
Edge Performance Team which allows them to participate in a group production number at Nationals this summer along with other students from across the country.
Several of our soloists competed in the "Title Competition". Following are the title results in their categories:
Jasmyn Diaz, Teen Miss Edge
Benjamyn Diaz, Pre-Teen Mr. Edge
Haysel Avis, Pre-Teen Miss Edge
Madison Huey, 1 st Runner Up Miss Edge
Ashlyn McConnell, 1 st Runner Up Teen Miss Edge
Keira McConnell, 1 st Runner Up Pre-Teen Miss Edge
Evangelyn Diaz, 1 st Runner Up Dynamic Dancer
Eastyn Foster, 2 nd Runner Up Dynamic Dancer
Our tap group “A Touch Of Magic” performed by Evangelyn Diaz, Eastyn Foster, Stella Kubilus, and Hallie Grace LaRue, and our all group
open routine “Toy Story Remix” received Entertainment Awards. Our lyrical group “Flight Risk” performed by Haysel Avis, Benjamyn
Diaz, Jasmyn Diaz, Madison Huey, Ashlyn McConnell, and Keira McConnell received the Costume Award. Soloist Benjamyn Diaz received the Bright Future Award.
The team is directed by Vanessa Diaz and Jess LaRue.