Church News


Warsaw Christian Church

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow, we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit,” whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away
-James 4:13-14

James reflects on those who plan for the future without consulting with the Father. At times, we are all guilty of this failure. We will do X, Y or Z tomorrow, but we do not know what tomorrow will bring. I am sure some Afghan citizens had long-range plans suddenly canceled by the Taliban’s takeover. It’s okay to plan for the future, but be sure God is at the center of your plans. None of us know what tomorrow will present to us.
James reminds us that life itself is uncertain. It is like a vapor that appears for a brief time and then vanishes away. Many of us seniors can identify with James. We look back over our years and exclaim, “Where did the time go?” Eighty-eight years seemed like a long time away when I was 16, but 88 years is a reality today! Our earthly life is so brief. Make sure you are trusting in Jesus and including Him in your plans. Eternity follows death, and eternity is forever! In the eyes of God, we are like a puff of smoke that will soon fade away. Don’t get so entangled in this life that you neglect the life to come. Don’t make plans for tomorrow without seeking first the will of God.

Lincoln First Baptist Church

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads. I pray that your day was blessed. Today we honored the fathers who were present. The oldest father was Mike Simmons and the youngest was Josh Kauffman. Congratulations to all. Happy anniversary to Marlin and Barbara Hammond.
We have many recovering from surgeries and health issues. Our Sunday school is doing well. We have a good group of little ones who come to learn about Jesus. Our Bible school will be June 30- July 3. There are also many more Bible schools going on around the area. Please send your children to one or more to experience who Jesus is.
Pastor’s text was from Matthew 5 and Romans 10. The Pharisees were the teachers of the law. They taught it as it was written. They studied and knew it as it was written. The scribes also knew the law because they had to write it down. We aren’t better than the Pharisees in their righteousness. They separated themselves from others as to not be influenced by other people.
We are to accept the righteousness of God to get us to heaven. We are covered by the blood if we are saved. We can’t do anything to get us to heaven. After Jesus there was no law as the Pharisees saw it. None can go through this world without sinning. God made plans that last. Christ was here for 33 years and that is all He needed to rescue His righteousness. Our time is not God’s time.

From The Pastor's Desk

Look What They Done To My Song Ma!

Melanie, popular female singer of a few years back once wrote:

Look what they done to my
song, Ma
Look what they done to my
Well, it's the only thing that
I could do half right
And it's turning out all
wrong, Ma
Look what they done to my
song Ma

Someone in heaven has to be looking down and seeing the mess we have made out of God's message of redemption for fallen mankind.
Also, the mess we made of our churches. Weak messages and a larger focus on music and attendance than on Biblical preaching.
It is amateur hour all year long on Tik-Tok and facebook for these would- be Bible theologians.
Just the other night, I read where they think the Apostle John is still alive. I also listened to a guy who said he never sins.
Ministries want to help churches build their congregations with social media for a healthy price. They also wish to sell their sermons all for the glory of God.
Church buildings are no long churches, but now transformed into businesses and homes.
Churches and Bible Colleges are changing their names to attract more people. Prayer sites charge money . . . unbelievable!
I have a daily time of prayer on facebook and two sermons on Sunday.
Grace Baptist church is located at 31046 Hwy MM 4 miles out of Warsaw MO. Services are on Sunday at 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Our number is (660) 281-4775.

Hopewell Baptist Church

The Authority of Jesus is Questioned in Matthew 21:23-27. The elders and the teachers of the law ask Jesus on what authority are You doing these things? You’re casting out our source of revenue. They want Him to say Yahweh, they’re looking for a reason to execute Jesus for political rebellion. Jesus tells them He will answer their questions if they answer His first. Jesus asks them if John’s baptism was from Heaven or from man, and after some discussion, they say they don’t know. They are concerned they will make the people of Israel mad if they answer incorrectly. Jesus knows where their authority comes from, and it is not God.
Everyone at the Temple understands what is happening. Jesus comes to overthrow an entire religion, and everyone knows the government power comes from the people. A recurring problem when the church acts like the government and fears speaking the truth about Jesus.
Jesus shows up in Jerusalem asking how it isn’t all about God. We corrupt what is good in favor of something that is comfortable. He came to shake up everything. God is concerned with the condition of our hearts and souls. He sent His Son to show us all what is important. What is the most important thing – is it Jesus or something else?
In Matthew 21:28-32, Jesus tells the elders and teachers of the law, they are the sons who never went. Jesus came preaching the real deal and you knew it; the tax collectors and prostitutes are different people and you stayed home. We are often convicted, and we never get there. Let’s all get there. If the authority in our life is Jesus, when He asks, shouldn’t we be ready to go? Sometimes the things He asks us to do are not so easy. Maybe He’s just asking to change a part of your life, forgive someone who is difficult. Let’s follow Jesus together.
Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m. We have a Children’s Program at 5:30 p.m. with Adult Bible Study at 6 p.m. Our mid-week Bible Study is Wednesday at 6 p.m. Watch our service live at 11 a.m. each Sunday on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.

Unity Of The Lakes

This Sunday 6/23/24 Rev. Don will be at Unity of the Lakes and continuing his series of Gospel Miracles. This Sunday his service is "Do You Want to Be Healed". The scripture reference is John 5:1-10. He will present this meaningful story and how we may relate to it. Please join us as we find a deeper meaning that may help us today. Service is 11 am, dress is casual and all are welcome. Come for service and stay for refreshments and fellowship. Unity is a link in the great educational movement inaugurated by Jesus Christ. Wee are located 8 miles south of Warsaw on highway 65. Our physical address is 34948 Hwy 65 South. Follow us on Facebook. We look forward to seeing you.