Church News


From The Pastor's Desk


We spend our years as a tale that is told. The days of our years are three score and ten and if by reason of strength they be four score years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow and we fly away.
-Psalm 90:9,10

Our lives are a like a book divided into chapters. Not all will apply to everyone but your youth, grade school, high school, military, jobs, marriage, kids and so on are chapters.
I guess I am writing my obituary here.
I was born on August 26, 1954, lived in St. Louis for ten years, moved to Springfield on August 26, 1964, and went to Shady Dell, Hickory Hills, Central and Glendale.
1. Our text speaks of labor.
I worked at McBee Binders for seven years.
I worked for All-Janitorial Services for four years while attending Baptist Bible College. I graduated in May of 1989 with a B.S in pastoral theology and Bible Theology and moved to Warsaw to Pastor Grace Baptist Church (was Osage Baptist Temple) in August of that same year.
I worked at Bishop and Fajen Gunstocks for seven years. I subbed at Warsaw High School off-and-on for various years and have been doing sports for the BCE for sometime now.
2. Our text speaks of sorrow.
My father, Jesse Logue died at 69 on June 2, 1987 and my mother, Lezzie Logue passed away at 85 on December 13, 2004. My brother, Michael Logue, 17, died on August 2, 1967, saving a drowning boy and losing his life saving another.
My uncle, Johnny Raney died on January 2, so the second hasn't been good for us. Almost all of my aunts, uncles and cousins are gone. I have a list of around 200 family members, friends and acquaintances who have died. I do still have a sister in Georgia.
My dad was raised in an orphanage so I never had grandparents on his side and my mom's mother died when I was only three. Her father died before I was born.
3. Our text speaks of seventy years.
My dad didn't make it. My two pastors, Raymon Tracy, 64, and WM. E Fortson, 67, didn't make it. I am close.
4. Our text speaks of flying away after death.
I got saved on August 23, 1978. I will fly away. Will you?
I am Johnie J. Logue, pastor of Grace Baptist in Warsaw MO at 31046 Highway MM. Services are at 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Call (660) 281-4775.

Lincoln First Baptist Church

Greetings. We started service today by observing the Lord’s Supper. Bro. Jesse read from 1 Corinthians 11:23 about how you should observe the Lord’s Supper. If you aren’t saved you don’t partake of it. He reminded us that there is no shame in not taking part.
Acts 16 was the text for Pastor Jesse’s message. This was Paul’s second missionary trip. Paul and Silas preached for people to be saved. Paul ruined the gain for the people by telling the unclean to come out of the fortune teller. Paul didn’t back down from the unsaved people. After this Paul and Silas were put into prison.
They were put into the dirtiest part of the prison where it wasn’t easy to get out. It was a place of torture where they were put into stocks. Paul and Silas stayed true to the Lord by singing and praising while there. They knew that God would take care of them. What the magistrates did to them was wrong because they were Roman citizens. After being released they were told to leave the city but they refused.
What is more important than your Lord and Savior? They gained souls while in prison. They were street preachers and knew the risks they were taking. Our desire should be as Paul and Silas.

Hopewell Baptist Church

Matthew 24:1-14, is a collection of teachings some say is about the end of the world with some important things we often overlook. The disciples say to Jesus, “isn’t this building beautiful,” and Jesus says, “it’s going to get torn down.” They continue the Mount of Olives, and the disciples privately ask Jesus when this will happen, what will be the sign of You coming, and what will be the end of the age? Maybe they should rephrase the question – When will You bring about the fullness of God? They’re looking for the Kingdom of God to come to earth. Jesus’ response is that it will look worse before it gets better. It’s going to look poor for a while, and you will question what’s happening here. You might think things are tough now, but they will get worse.
Things are happening even when things look bad. We as humans want to see the bad and we ignore the good. Terrible things are going to happen, but stand firm because we have something to believe in. The Kingdom of God affects one being at a time. Just because the world is in chaos, is the solution to give up? Heck no! It’s not a logical or biblical solution. We get focused on the little things.
Jesus is still King, and on His throne, and nothing can change that. One third of the world’s population believe in Jesus, and He is redeeming the world, one human at a time. There are things to be celebrated every single day! Jesus is making all things new! We have been bought by the love of Jesus and that deserves to be celebrated! We must start looking at the right things. The grace of Jesus is amazing! We serve the best God we could ever imagine. We look at sadness and darkness, and we need to see Jesus because He’s doing things! Let’s be firm and stand with Jesus together! God is still God! Let’s follow Jesus together!
Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m., regular Bible Study Wednesdays and Sundays at 6 p.m. with our Children’s Program Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Watch our service live at 11 a.m. Sunday mornings on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.

Warsaw Christian Church

For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord. But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death. -Proverbs 8:35-36

These verses tell us how important it is to seek God and to find Him. We know from the New Testament that “no one comes to the Father but through me” (John 14:6). Jesus is speaking and telling us that if we want a relationship with God, He is the only way. Those who sincerely seek God will find Jesus, who leads us to the Father. To know God is to find life and to receive favor from the Lord.
Notice that some fail to find God. It is a catastrophe to live life without God. Solomon says that those who do not find God hate the very idea of a God. They love death rather than life. Many do not find God mainly because they love the things of this world more than they love God. This life is a gift of God and is to be enjoyed. However, it is a speck of dust compared to the life to come. Therefore, God must always be our priority.

Unity Of The Lakes

This Sunday, August 11th at 11 AM Reverend Laura Bennett will be speaking.
The title of her talk is "A Ruby in the Sun: Jesus, Rumi, and Unity".
Join us as we reflect on biblical passages of unconditional love and on how some of the writings of Rumi reveal the "deep root of our being." See how Rumi's poetry connects with the teachings of Jesus to reveal the five basic universal principles that are at the core of the Unity teachings. Together we will let the Spirit of Unity shine in each of us like "a ruby in the sun!
Reverend Laura Bennett is an ordained Unity Ministers and has taught other ministers for many years! She can be found online at: Please join us at 34948 Hwy 65 South, Warsaw MO.
We are located about 8 miles south of Warsaw. Food and fellowship will follow the service and all are welcome!

Zion Lutheran Church

In order to help light up our community with the love of Christ, Zion Lutheran Church in Lincoln will be hosting a weekly Wednesday after school Bible school from 3:30-4:30pm for K-2nd grade. Transportation from Lincoln Public School to Zion is available upon request. For more information, or to register your children, visit or email
Hope to see your kids there!