Church News


From The Pastor's Desk

God Is Still On The Throne and Prayer Changes Things
-Isaiah 6:1

There was a radio program years ago that started out by saying' God is still on the throne and prayer changes things.'
God struck King Uzziah with leprosy because he performed a priestly function reserved for only a priest and King Uzziah, basically a good king,died with this horrible disease. Isaiah is naturally grief stricken.
Then by the grace of God, Isaiah is given a vision. He sees God, high and lifted up and sitting upon a throne. Other men saw God on a throne. David, Jeremiah, Job, Ezekiel, the Sons of Korah, Ethan, Daniel and John saw a vision or in a dream, the magnificent of God in all of His glory sitting on a throne. Thirty three times in the book of Revelation the word throne is used.
I guess, we all need to be reminded from time to time that God is still sitting on His throne.
Yes, the elephant in the room is the upcoming election. In my lifetime, we have never been so divided. I told a friend just last night that my motto through all of this is that God is still on His throne and prayer changes things. After all of these years,I am still not sure exactly how prayer works. I probably do not know anymore about prayer now than when I started my journey. I have probably read more books on prayer than any other Christian topic.
I have been grief stricken many times like Isaiah. I have been depressed and discouraged. The three 'D' of the devil are doubt, despair and depression. I can relate to the opening line of the song, "Hello, darkness my old friend, in the Sound of Silence." I have been there and probably so have you.
On September 8 and 9, at 6:00 PM we are having a two night revival at Grace Baptist Church on 31046 Hwy MM in Warsaw. Call (660) 281-4775.

Hopewell Baptist Church

Matthew 24:36-51 sounds like the return of the Son of Man, but Jesus warns, “don’t be fooled, the day or hour is not known to anyone, not the angels or the Son of Man, only the Father knows”. We have no idea what it will look like when Christ returns. We’re not supposed to understand it all. Jesus tells them to keep watch and be ready. Jesus goes on, who is the faithful servant while the master is away making sure they are fed, warm, and well taken care of. Jesus says His servants will be taking care of them. Those who are not mine will squander their gifts and they will be surprised. God created man, woman, and a beautiful place and humans messed it up. Then their sons, one does what he is supposed to do and the other, kills his brother. Which servant do you want to be?
Our hearts should belong to the Kingdom of God and not this earth! If we’re looking at this earth only, we will take advantage of others and we will destroy the beautiful things created. Jesus asks, if you know I’m coming back, won’t you be ready? His example is all about how we treat other people. The point is, be ready! Are we ready for Jesus’ to return? When Jesus returns, that’s not the end. We’ve been task with sharing the gospel with other people. Has the church done more good than bad? What’s the church doing? Are we ready as believers – to change who we are to be more of a reflection of Jesus?
The day could happen anytime, and we should get ready! Is the church ready? If we knew Jesus was coming tomorrow, wouldn’t it change what we’re doing? Jesus is coming – don’t we want to be ready? Knowing this should change us! As we go through our daily life, we should look for opportunities that are not routine, to be Jesus’s love in someone else’s life. There are amazing opportunities every day, but we must look up from what we’re doing!
Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m., regular Bible Study Wednesdays and Sundays at 6 p.m. with our Children’s Program Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Watch our service live at 11 a.m. Sunday mornings on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.

Lincoln First Baptist Church

It was great to see so many in church today. Our church is growing and we are having a steady attendance each week. Happy anniversary to Jr. and Marsha Mehrens. Many are on the prayer list so please keep them in prayer.
Pastor Jesse’s message was from Matthew and Romans. What was your life like before you were a born again Christian? Look back at who you were and who you are know. Actions need to change after you are born again. Without Jesus we are nothing. No one is perfect because we are all sinners.
Peter and Paul faltered at times in their walk with Jesus. We as humans falter in our walk when are faith lacks. We came from sinful and carnal people and we are still in the flesh. We are not better than the unsaved but better off.
Paul said he didn’t want to sin but he did. Our sinful nature is always with us. We are going to sin and if you are truly sorry you will be forgiven. Pray before you do things. If we take care of Jesus’ business He will take care of ours. Remember we are not better we are better off because we know Jesus.

Unity Of The Lakes

Join us Sunday, September 1 at 11:00 AM for an inspirational message from Reverend Duncan!
Title: A Divine Plan is Unfolding.
This week we want to learn and to practice that there is a life of creativity, prosperity, health, and peace that it is divinely ordered for us.
Matthew 6:33-“Jesus didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfill it.”
God’s plan for us will be fulfilled when we follow spiritual law.
Let us explore together!
We are located about 8 miles south of town at 34948 Hwy 65 South in Warsaw, MO.
Join us for fellowship and food following the service . All are welcome!