Church News


Unity Of The Lakes

This Sunday, October 13 at 11 AM, Reverend Laura Bennett will continue her series: The Gateway of Freedom, Part 2. Whether you have joined us before or not, Rev. Laura is looking forward to being with you and to sharing this important message for our times as we continue cultivating the unifying and freeing attitudes found at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount. We will review all of the beatitudes, and their corresponding “free-attitudes” as we focus on forgiveness, atonement, wholeness, and commitment to the Truth!
Unity of the Lakes is a church located at 34948 Hwy 65 South, Warsaw, MO. Please join us!

Lincoln First Baptist Church

May the Lord bless and keep you this week. Sunday school was well attended today. The youth will be hosting a Fall Festival Saturday October 12 @ 5:30 pm. There will be fish, froglegs, turkey and sides and desserts. There will also be games, hayride and a campfire after the hayride. Come and join us for fun and fellowship.
Happy birthday to Jr Mehrens and one of our youth Angel. We observed the Lord’s Supper today. We also had some visitors today and pray they will come back and visit us.
In Judges 6 we find Gideon. Israel had done evil in the Lord’s eyes and were conquered by the Midianites. The Lord found Gideon hiding at the threshing floor trying to get food for his people. God found him there and called him a mighty man of valor. The Lord wanted Gideon to lead Israel against the Midianites. Gideon said he was the least of his house.
Gideon tested God twice. If the fleece be dry one night and it be wet the next then he would know it was God. The Lord told Gideon he was only to take three hundred men against thousands of Midianites.
Israel was following after the world. When things get in the way of serving God it is a sin. God can change things we desire. Put God first and He will reward you. God asks what we are capable of. We are to preach and be a witness to get a blessing.
God is more precious than gold. Without Jesus we’re nothing. The least of our house He can use.
May God bless you this week.

Hopewell Baptist Church

In Matthew 26:47-56 Jesus is arrested and does some truly bizarre things. Judas has agreed to betray Jesus from 30 pieces of silver. The High Priest sent out mob and Judas tells them he will give Jesus a kiss to identify Him. Calling Him Rabbi, saying, the One I follow, Judas kisses Jesus and hands Him over to the mob. Jesus tells him to do what you came for friend. This man has come to betray Jesus, and Jesus knows this, yet He calls him friend. Knowing the awful things Judas will do; Jesus still shows grace. He gives up on following Jesus, yet Jesus does not treat Judas poorly. Our sin, our past, and our future sins, do not change how God sees us. His grace is not limited to only when we do the right thing. The way He looks at Judas shows how much he loves us. Jesus, knowing the full weight of our sins, He still chose to die for us.
Simon Peter grabs his sword and cuts off the ear of one of the mob, aiming for his head, he hits his ear. He’s a fisherman and this could be the first time he has ever used his sword. Jesus says, Peter, put away your sword. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. Peter thinks he going to save Jesus. Then Jesus says, do you think I cannot call on my Father to send 72,000 angels from the sky, but how then would the scripture be fulfilled. Stop trying to defend me. Jesus does not need our defense. Faith does not need to be defended. Jesus needs to be demonstrated, and faith needs to be shared with other people. Grace demonstrates the love God has for us. They will know you are my disciples by how you love one another! Our job is to serve the lost, period! Jesus will reign on His Throne forever! The Kingdom of God has eternal significance. We are here to serve Jesus first! Wicked men will come and go, but the glory of the Lord is forever!
Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m., regular Bible Study Wednesdays and Sundays at 6 p.m. with our Children’s Program Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Watch our service live at 11 a.m. Sunday mornings on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.

Warsaw Christian Church

You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels (Revelation 3:4-5).

Sardis represents a dead church. Only a few in that church remain faithful. We do not want to be like the church in Sardis! Garments refer to character. Many in Sardis had defiled their character by their failure to follow Jesus. We are encouraged to overcome such character flaws. We are to keep our faith strong and follow our Master. That includes repentance when we fall short. Those who walk in repentance and faith will see their character cleansed. They will be dressed in white garments. Their names are inscribed in the Book of Life and will never be erased. They possess eternal life.

We see two categories of people in these verses. Some have defiled their character so badly that they no longer follow Jesus. Others have also violated their character but have overcome through repentance, faith, and a sincere effort to follow Jesus. As a result, they are forgiven, cleansed, and clothed in white, symbolizing that they are true Christians. What will become of those whose garments remain stained? I think you know the answer. The church at Sardis reminds us to keep our faith, obedience, and repentance active. Then, we will walk with Jesus in white garments, and He will tell the Father that we belong to Him.

From The Pastor's Desk

Carest Thou Not That We Perish
-Mark 4:37        
Needless to say, Hurricane Helene devastated the southern part of United States last week. What is not underwater is gone. Houses, buildings, roads and the like have been destroyed. Some 52 people at this writing were killed.
We offer our sincere prayers to the families victimized by this terrible event.
 As to why this happened, I  find myself reverting back to Deuteronomy 29:29 which says, "The secret things belong to the Lord our God but those things which are revealed belong unto us and our children forever."
I have been teaching through the gospel of Mark in Sunday school and the story of Jesus calming the storm was next up in our study and therefore fell in line with Hurricane Helene. So here we are.
I can tell you what I do know from this text and from Luke 13:4. Jesus told His disciples in 4:35 that they would go to the other side. The lake was calm when they started out. Then the storm came and these experienced, scared fishermen  woke Jesus up in a panic. They asked Him the age old question, " Master, carest thou not that we perish?
Seriously? He was in the world because he cared. He would die on the cross for fallen mankind because He cared.
Most have asked the same question in secret at various times during trials and tribulations.
In Luke 13, Jesus speaks of two tragedies, the slaying of Galileans by Pilate and the tower of Siloam falling and killing 18 people. The crowd had assumed these died because they were more wicked than other people .Jesus corrected their thinking.We will all die and we all need to repent.
We have several wrong assumptions about tragedies. Like in Job's case, they thought he was being punished by God. We tend to think only bad people die cruel deaths and we think we have the right to judge these situations. I am Johnie J. Logue, pastor of Grace Baptist church at 31046 Hwy MM outside of Warsaw. Call (660) 281-4775 for more info.