Fristoe News


The weather has been more like summer this past week than fall. I believe it will begin to cool down some in the coming days anyway, we hope so. I can remember when Halloween was just a few days away; as kids we worried the temperature would be downright cold. I wonder if that will come around this year. We shall see.

Prayer requests for this week: Bud Hatch, Kathy First, Lewis Retherford, Gladys Harris, Carolee Apperson and Mary Scarbrough!

Happy Birthday to Wanda Mayes from Garrett, Wyatt, and Breyer Hilburn! She celebrates on Sunday, October 13.

ATTENTION: The Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church will be holding Revival Services starting Wednesday, October 16 thru Saturday, October 19, beginning at 7:00 PM nightly!

Fundraiser for Bethel Campground Church for ROOF REPAIR; October 26 beginning at 11:00 AM at Edwards Community Building on Highway 7, chili/ham & bean dinner, pie auction, raffle and auction! This is being put forth by the Bethel Campground Cemetery Board!

October 26 at 5:00 PM, the Antwiler Park Board will be serving an Appreciation Fish Fry for the Fristoe community in the Fristoe Community Building. This is something the Antwiler Park Board does each year!

Fristoe Lighthouse Church was down in numbers on Sunday due to several people on the sick list and others visiting relatives out of town, but the church still had a spirit-filled service. Special sang by Dave Cunningham was beautiful. Dave and Connie Cunningham and Bryan Smith led song service with great songs. The adult Sunday School is still studying Moses and Joshua and this morning it fit right with the church message. Br. Smith with his message brought out the Baptism of the Spirit found in Old Testament and New Testament. Great all around lessons and message.

Thought for the week: When things go wrong, don't do more wrong things to try to fix them!

Hope everyone reading the Fristoe News has a great week: Lots of love, laughter and blessings for all!