Community Betterment Group Touches On Wide Range Of Topics


The Cole Camp Community Betterment group met for a luncheon meeting at Handel Haus on Tuesday, October 1. Minutes of the previous meeting and the Treasurer’s Report were submitted and approved.

It was noted the public restrooms in the Jaycee Gardens are being maintained and kept clean and the signage is back up following the Cole Camp Fair.

Roxy Viebrock reported she has nothing new to report on the Butterfly plantings that are located behind The German Table. She says he has made a large effort to make the area attractive as there are now two facilities with deck areas that overlook that secluded part of town. She is still struggling to get water for the plants but hopefully that can be solved in the Spring.

Susan Kyle is now the Registered Agent for the Community Betterment Corporation with the Secretary of State. The fee to change the registered agent was $10 and has been paid.

Marge Lumpe noted there will need to be a reminder to take plans for improving safety at the schools since the Rock Island Issues have been resolved.

Marge Lumpe questioned the status of the grant for the playground equipment at Butterfield Park. JoAnn Lane noted it is now at the federal level with the cultural study completed.

Under New Business Marge Lumpe stated she had presented the Petition signed by Cole Camp Business owners to the Cole Camp Board of Aldermen regarding the Rock Island Trail and their hope the Board would reconsider their decision to turn down the grant money to fund the Rock Island Trailhead.

Ms. Lumpe announced she had contacted an electrician about lighting for the Community Information Board at Handel Haus and he said he would take care of it. She also shared the kiosk at Butterfield Park is now being utilized.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned.