Fristoe News


There has been really great weather for the last 5 or 6 days with the rain staying (almost) completely away for the graduation of the 2024 seniors at Warsaw. They held the graduation outside on the football field and it was fantastic.

It is with regret that I write about the death of one that I have had on our prayer list for nearly a year; it is Curtis Allen. Curtis passed away this past week. He has one son, Brad Allen.

It is with regret that we mention Fristoe's favorite grandma, Rose Inman also passed away last week. Rose has been in Hermitage nursing facility for the last year or so, and Grandpa JR Inman passed on several years ago. We have not heard of the plans that have been made for interment.

We mention our prayer requests; Adam Smith, Kathy First, Gladys Harris, Carolee Apperson and Mary Scarbrough.

A big happy birthday shoutout to everyone enjoying birthdays throughout the month of May!

Dean and I enjoyed being a part of the crowd that watched the graduation ceremony at Warsaw on Thursday night as our firstborn granddaughter, Laney graduated from high school. Laney is the daughter of Adam and Bridget Arnett of Fristoe and the granddaughter of Jim and Teresa Jackman. Jim and Teresa also had another graduating on Thursday night, Skylon Boone.

Adam, Bridget and little sister Madalyn held a Congratulations on Graduation party for Laney at Fristoe Community Building on Saturday morning. It was a wonderful crowd that came to show their love for Laney and how proud everyone is of her achievements. Laney will be going to State Fair Community College this fall.

I have to put a word in for all of the gardeners in the Fristoe area this week. Gardens are just producing in abundance. God is truly blessing this garden season.

REMEMBER: The Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church is starting REVIVAL in BRUSH ARBOR on Wednesday night, May 29, May 30, May 31 and Saturday, June 1 to start. Time and evangelist's will be announced next week!

Thought for the week: People know what you are by what they see you do, not by what they hear you say!

We hope everyone reading this paper has a wonderful week and remember Romans, Chapter 12:21 . . . Do not be overcome with evil, BUT overcome evil with good!