Fristoe News


There has been lots of rain and wind and storms during the last few days of this week in the Fristoe area. Turkey Creek has flooded much over it's banks and roads are so washed you almost have to drive a pick-up vehicle to get up and down the road. Usually the gardener's are thankful for lots of moisture but right now is almost more water in the gardens than is needed. You all remind me of this during the last of July or August.

Prayer requests for this week: Please remember Mary Scarbrough as she has an apparent broken ankle. Also Adam Smith, Kathy First, Gladys Harris, Carolee Apperson and all our friends and neighbors who need prayer. `

I am going to write about my family for a minute. Granddaughter Laney Arnett took a road trip with her Aunt Sandy Kellog, sister of Grandfather Jim Jackman, leaving May 28, going from Missouri through South Dakota and many states to the state of Washington, where Sandra lives. Laney spent several days with the Jackman family in Washington and flew home on Friday evening, June 7. She brags that she had a great time. She came home in order to go to her job on Saturday. The job is as lifeguard at the City of Warsaw Swimming Pool. My youngest granddaughter Maddie has an interesting job this summer. She is working at the Chicken Farm up the road from the Fristoe Community Building. There are hundreds of eggs laid and Maddie works in the process of collecting them and packaging them. She says it is a great summer job!

Things are back to regular hours at Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church this week and the Brush Arbor has shut down for awhile. We have Sunday School at 10:00 AM on Sunday morning and Singing Praise and Worship at 11:00 AM. On Sunday morning, Claude, Delores, and Ken did a wonderful job on "I Can't Even Walk Without Holding Your Hand". Br. Ken sang "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" and dedicated it as special for Kathy First! Then Br. Dave and Sis. Connie did two specials and did a wonderful job! Br. Tony's message was from Job Chapter 19, and challenged all that heard the Word to ask themselves as Job said "He knows His Redeemer Liveth"! WE must know and believe also!

Thought for the week: A person who does things that really count for others doesn't usually count them for themselves. Think about this, God is like Tide. He gets the stains out that others leave behind!

Hope everyone reading the Benton County Enterprise has a wonderful and safe week!