Fristoe News


The Fristoe area has had "decent" weather this past week and have had a couple evenings with rain but rain is needed for awhile and then dry out and get back on that hay baling. The area is just overflowing with good, ripe tomatoes. My husband, Dean bought tomato plants this spring from neighbor Marth's greenhouse named "Amish Pink", I believe. They are producing the most delicious "pink" tomato; very mild and juicy. I am going to try to keep a few seeds from one of those tomatoes in case she doesn't have those next year.

Pastor Tony Smith and wife Brenda celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the Weathered Wisdom Barn at Preston. The Smith's children, Crescent, and husband, Paul and son, Bryan rented the facility for Saturday, August 3 and many of their family and friends came and shared the afternoon with them. Many attendees of the Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse enjoyed the afternoon with them.

Prayers this week are for Kathy First, Lewis and Judy Retherford, Gladys Harris, Carolee Apperson and Mary Scarbrough!

School will be starting in two weeks. Madalyn in Climax starts on Tuesday the 20th. I am not sure what day Rye in Kearney and their school starts. Here we go, my oldest "baby" granddaughter, Laney had her senior year, graduating in 2024. Next this year second "baby" granddaughter, Ryleigh has her senior year and graduates in 2025. Lord help me, this Nana is just not ready for this to happen.

Fristoe Lighthouse Church last week had been real down in numbers because of many people but attendance was back greatly with ladies named Gail, Merry and others back this Sunday morning feeling much better. Br. Hughes, the pastor who had conducted the marriage ceremony 50 years before for Tony Smith and Brenda Wilson in the Fristoe Church was able to come and be available this weekend. He was pleased to do the ceremony at the Weathered Wisdom Barn in Preston for Br. and Sis Smith and attended church at Fristoe Church on Sunday morning. Larry and Clara sang "Old Country Church" as a special and Sis. Connie led morning song service and did a beautiful job. Br. Hughes brought the message from St. John chapter 14. A wonderful message was enjoyed by everyone.

Thought for the week: Most people are like fish, they would not get into trouble if they kept their mouths shut!

Hope everyone who reads this newspaper has a wonderful, prosperous week!