Fristoe News


I want to mention my granddaughter Maddie Arnett is in the competition for queen at the 33rd Annual Benton County Rodeo this year and myself and all the family will appreciate the support all of our friends and neighbors give her by buying your tickets from her. The rodeo is Friday and Saturday night, August 30-31. Again, all of the family will appreciate all the support you give to Maddie in her quest to be rodeo queen.

This week has been dry. Temperatures have been really comfortable and farmers have been able to get lots of work done in the fields. But as I said, it has been very short of moisture and that is making for dryness in yards and gardens. We will be singing "Send Down The Rain".

Many people in the Fristoe area have visited the State Fair already and everyone is talking about really enjoying it. I remember working the fair for 5 years after leaving Unitog and I will say I really enjoyed that time.

Prayers this week are the same as last week: Kathy First, Lewis and Judy Retherford, Gladys Harris, Carolee Apperson and Mary Scarbrough!

Sending a happy birthday shout to anyone who is celebrating their birthday this coming week!

Dean and I made the decision to step away from the political scene this year and want to wish any and all Benton County Republican Committee women and men a good year and wish them well!

Everyone needs to start watching the calendars as children and grandchildren will be having football, volleyball, softball and other school sports games, and they need parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friend and neighbors to be at the games cheering them on. Just our area has Warsaw, Lincoln, Cole Camp, Climax Springs and Skyline schools. Let's treat them Great!

Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church was full of The Spirit this morning. The Adult Sunday School class studied Psalms 84. The Psalmist brought out how much the Jewish people appreciated The Lord's Spirit being in the tabernacles and said blessed are they that dwell in thy livelihood! Dave and Connie Cunningham, Bryan, DoBee and Brenda did a great job leading song service and also we did several verses, that moved the spirit! Claude and Delores did a wonderful job on their song and Br. Dave sang a wonderful song also.

The Fristoe Lighthouse Church is open to anyone to come in and listen to the word and the hymns. You will be made welcome!

Thought for the week: No one ever says on their deathbed: I wish I would have spent more time working!

Hope everyone who reads this paper has a safe, happy and blessed week!