Jaycees Truck & Tractor Pull Nets Big Gain For Veterans Home


The Cole Camp Jaycees held their 3rd annual MSTPA pulling event at the Antique Tractor Farm grounds on Saturday, July 6. It is estimated approximately one thousand people attended to watch 85 entries compete.

The event is always held the week-end following the 4th of July and has been a big draw from the start as it is a State-wide sanctioned event by the Missouri State Tractor Pulling Association.

The last two years the Jaycees raised enough money from the pull to give a $5,000 donation to the Veterans Home in Warrensburg. The Veterans Home sends at least a couple of volunteers to assist where needed. The Jaycees also visit the Veterans home on Veteran’s Day and last year helped prepare a luncheon for the Veterans.

The Cole Camp Jaycee’s President, Andy Harms, wanted to thank the FFA for parking vehicles and the local 4-H club for assisting in the food stand. Also, a big thanks to all those who volunteer and support this fund raiser that benefits many good causes in the community.