Lakeview Heights FD Admins Take "One In The Face", All For Good Cause


The Lakeview Heights Fire Department hosted their annual fund raising fish fry Saturday, September 14 in their Station #3 location at W & B highways. They served fish and sides of fried potatoes, baked beans and cole slaw to the attendees with a live auction of very nice items conducted at 5:30 PM.

New this year was the “Pie in the Face” segment that allowed an individual to put a pie in the face of one of the firefighters, for a price. There were different monetary levels to match the rank of the firefighter in the department. This event was extra to raise money to purchase new hydraulic hoses for their various pieces of equipment.

Lt. Lee, Captain Rodney Metscher, Captain Kidwell and Fire Chief Rodney Metscher all took at least one in the face during the fund raiser and it was advertised to put one in the chief’s face would take $1,000. I guess there was at least one taker because the Chief good naturedly did get “one in the face!” These guys don’t just give countless hours to serve their community but are good sports too!

Nearly 200 people came to dine and the Pie in the Face took in $1,500 with total receipts for the evening tallying up to $9,000.