Lincoln Chamber Discusses Lack Of Volunteer Help


The Lincoln Chamber met for their July meeting in Lincoln’s City Hall at noon on Wednesday, July 10. President Lindsey Decker called the meeting to order. First up on the agenda was vice-President Amy Biggerstaff’s report on the 4th of July events.

Ms. Biggerstaff said despite asking for help she had very few that actually came to share the duties of the Saturday, July 6 day- long celebration that began with a Baby Show with very small participation, leading Amy to think maybe it’s time to scrap that along with the pet parade and the turtle races that no one participates in. She reported the 3-on-3 basketball challenge did have good participation but the Arm Wrestling did not. It had previously been very popular.

After a long report on the activities Ms. Biggerstaff stated she would not chair the event another year due to lack of assistance, as no one would commit to helping put on the celebration. A lengthy discussion was conducted in various ways to turn the problem around and be able to have volunteers to make the community get-togethers work successfully. One idea for the future was every affair needs to state what benefits from the money being raised at that event.

It was decided some tough questions need to be answered by the town’s residents. They need to ask, “What if we don’t have a Chamber anymore?” “What if we don’t have Chamber events?” or “What if we don’t make upgrades to the Park?” Incidentally you don’t have to own a business to belong to the Chamber. The meeting then went on to routine business.

JoAnn Lane, Benton County Economic Development, reminded everyone there is a second Credit workshop planned for Wednesday evening, October 9 from 5:30 PM to 7: 30 PM in Lincoln’s City Hall. An evening meal is served, a gas credit card is available if needed but anyone wishing to attend must register as only a certain number can be enrolled. This is a great event for high school seniors who will soon have to handle their finances on their own.

The Treasurer, Lori Schroeder, gave the Treasurer’s report. The balance she had in the checking account was $15,362.87. Lori said that included the fireworks money donations as she had not yet written the check for them. It was voted the Chamber would give Buddy Dill, Caitlin Dill and T. J. Yoder a $25.00 gift card as thanks for working as the pyro-technicians for the fireworks show.

Dorcas Brethower reminded everyone the Fall Market/Balloon glow is still being planned but the decision was made to not do a sit-down dinner, only food trucks. Again, lack of volunteer help was cited as the problem. Dorcas stated the money should be available to have the walls repaired in the Green Space and then the murals depicting the town’s history can be added.

Lincoln Mayor, Glen Nelson announced the City will be seeking a new Police Chief as Chief Wenberg has accepted that position with the City of Warsaw. Nelson alerted everyone the city is having asphalt paving done sometime this summer. Locations include a big section of Main Street by the big City Park, Market Street from the school to Highway C and Missouri, a short street on the west side that connects to Bern Street. The next Chamber meeting is at noon, Wednesday August 14 in Lincoln City Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.