Lincoln's Mehrens Adds Mountain Climbing To His Resume While At Morningside


Lincoln football product lineman Gabe Mehrens is in his senior year at Morningside University in Iowa, a Division III football superpower.

This reporter heard about a recent challenging senior tradition and asked Mehrens to share his story with us.

"Every year there is a senior trip that the head coach and some assistant coaches go and hike a mountain with the seniors. This year we went to Pike’s Peak, (a 14,000 foot mountain in Colorado) for a 13.5 mile hike. It is a tradition that makes you think on how much you are willing to give to succeed," he said.

Mehrens went on to explain, "This year, we had 21 seniors with 4 coaches conquer Pike’s Peak. It took everything a man has to offer to get up that mountain. For me, being from Missouri and not a person who likes to hike, it was tough. When you would hit the peak after all that way was the best feeling in the world. In the end, we as seniors decided 'Whatever it Takes' to win. It was a great trip for us to bond as a team and grow as individuals."

He added, "I highly recommend to everyone to do it once if they are a competitive person and love a good challenge."

We wish him our very best in the challenges of life.