New Cole Camp Mayor Assigns Roles


In a special session which met Tuesday eve April 30 and in new business, the Cole Camp City Board selected the following Aldermen to oversee tasks within the city's several responsibilities: Mindy Fox-Parks & Library, David Locke-Streets & Alleys, Steve Knox-Water, Jeremiah Crider-Sewer.

The meeting opened at 7:00 PM, with the above named aldermen present. Mayor Diana Burdick presided, City Clerk Dawn Paul recorded.

In old business the group increased the purchase limit of the two debit cards held by Clerk Paul and Chief of Police Jeff Canfield to $2,000 each; decided to sell the 2015 Dodge Charger reported by Clerk Paul as needing repair at the board's last meeting; and will purchase a sound system for the group's meeting room from JBL, a California USA firm, at an estimated $1,500 cost.

Also in new business, the board heard Golden Key Realty representative Hansel Morris propose that the city develop a present stretch of land outside city limits, but Alderman Locke noted that city regulations do not permit the city to do so. Morris' proposal failed. The group then repealed an "Interference Ordinance" originally enacted to protect city employees from negative interaction with aldermen, because it was said that a previous problem no longer exists.

In last business, the group increased credit card limits for two city employees to $10,000 each, but aldermen decided that a major issue with any credit proposal is the ability of this board to identify and track purchases. The matter will be reviewed at the group's June meeting.

The session closed at about 8:12 PM. The board welcomes visitors to its monthly meetings, which are usually held on 3rd Thursday eves.